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National-American \(/holesalers Hold 50th Annual Meeting

The program of the 50th Annual Meeting of the National-American Wholesale Lumber Association held at Hotel William Penn, Pittsburgh, Pa., June 2 and 3, was presented exactly as scheduled. Over two hund/ed and fifty attended and remained throughout both sessions until the gavel fell for adjournment.

Of the thirty-two men who have served as president since 1893, twenty have passed on. Ten of the twelve remaining were present, including the oldest living past-president, Gordon C. Edwards of Ottawa, Canada, who addressed the banquet session.

Colonel Robert G. Kay of Philadephia, Pa., one oI the original board of trustees, delivered a vigorous talk at the last session, June 3. He received tremendous applause.

R. C. Herrmann, Pittsburgh, Pa., was re-elected president. Others elected were J. Lou DuPlain, Rockford, Ill., first vice-president; Mark Finley, Philadelphia, Pa., second vice-president; William Schuette, Jr., New York, treasurer; and Sid L. Darling, secretary-directing manager. R. A. Daily continues as \Mestern manager at Seattle with C. J. Fisher as assistant secretary at New York.

Directors elected for a three-year term expiring in 1945 were: Henry G. Brabston Henry G. Brabston & Co., Birmingham, Ala.; Edward W. Conklin, Mixer & Company, Buffalo, N.Y.; J. Arthur Currey, J. C. Turner Lumber Co., New York, N.Y.; Howard DeCew, DeCew Lumber Co., Vancouver, B. C.; Titus W. Hager, T. W. Hager Lumber Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.; Robert C. Pepper, Rice & Lockwood Lumber Co., Springfield, Mass.; W. H. Schuette, William Schuette Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.; Lloyd St. Clair, Foster-St. Clair Lumber Co., Kansas City, Mo.; C. N. Troutner, Troutner Lumber Co., Richrnond, Va.; and W. T. Turner, Palmetto Lumber Sales Co., Spartanburg, S. C.

In addition to the president and two vice-presidents, the executive committee will consist of the following directors: Horace Bailey, Boston, Mass.; J. Arthur Currey, New York,

N.Y.; Edgar A. Hirsch, New York, N.Y.; Carl H. Kuhl, Portland, Ore.; Max Myers, Cleveland, Ohio; William Schuette, Pittsburgh, Pa.; and C. N. Troutner, Richmond, Va.

Speakers at the Tuesday sessions included: E. Bruce Hill, Pittsburgh Lumbermen's Club; President R. C. Herrmann; Secretary-Manager Sid L. Darling; Ben R. Ellis, director of priorities, Lumber and Timber Products War Committee, Washington, D.C.; H. R. Northup, secretary, National Retail Lumber Dealers' Association, Washington, D. C.; Arthur lJpson, chief, Lumber and Lumber Products Branch, Division of Industry Operaiions, War Production Board, Washington, D.C., and Dr. Wilson Compton, secretary, National Lumber Manufacturers Association, Washington, D.C.

The Wednesday sessions wefe addressed by R. A. Daiiey, Western division manag'er, Seattle; Frank S. McNally; Max Myers, Cleveland; 'I. N. Tate, president, American Forest Products Institute, and vice-president, Weyerhaeuser Sales Company, St. Paul; Peter A. Stone, price executive, lumber section,; Office of Price Administration, Washington, D. C.

The banquet was held in the Urban Room of the Hotel William Penn, Tuesday evening. Stanley Horn, editor, Southern Lumberman, Nashville, Tenn., was toastmaster, and the speakers were Gordon C. Edwards, Ottawa, Canada, senior past president, and M. Grattan O'Leary, Ottawa, Canada, editor, Ottawa Journal. The entertainment was furnished by Colonel Jack Major and John Mulholland.

Special entertainment features for the out-of-town ladies attending the convention were arranged by the following committee of the wives of Pittsburgh wholesale lumbermen: Mrs. S. J. Dunn, chairman, Mrs. A. R. Kumer, Mrs. S. R. Coey, Mrs. William H. Schuette, and Mrs. R. C. Herrmann. Each lady present was given an attractive compact case made entirely of wood and produced by Parkwood Corporation, Wakefield, Mass.

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