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For Sale
One Yates-American 30" No. 177, Double Surfacer, ball bearing, electric direct connected. Used. In excellent condition.. Price $2,500 F.O.B. our yard.
E. J. Stanton & Son
2050 E. 38th st. Los Angeles, Calif.
Lumber Yards For Sale
We have a number of good yards in Southern California for sale. Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers,80l Petroleum Building, Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
Construction Control Order
(Continued from Page 17) a. Because a plaster ceiling is badly in need of repair the owner plans to put up a new ceiling. May he use another type of material, such as composition board for the new ceiling, or must he use plaster?
A. No. Only the cost of the new material and the labor necessary to install it should be counted. Since this total is less than $5,000, no authorization is needed. However, the $4,000 must be applied to the owners cost quota for the next twelve months, leaving him less than $1,000 before passing the limit.
A. A store owner plans to install an elevator. The cost of building the shaft is $1,500 and the cost of the elevator is $7,000. For the purpose of complying with the provisions of L-41, what is the total cost of the project?
A. The cost of the shaft and the elevator should be added-making a total of $8,500, and consequently, authorization should be obtained before starting the construction.
A. A lumber camp comprises a mill and ten cabins providing living quarters for the men operating it. All the selected timber in the area has been cut and the owner plans to knock down the mill and cabins and rebuild them on a new camp site ten miles up the valley where operations will continue. Must the owner obtain authorization to use this old material to build the nerv camp?
A. No.
A. Where repairs are necessary, it is permissible to use any other type of material if the architectural or structural plan is not substantially altered.
A. Does this mean an owner may replace a tvorn out metal roof with a shingle roof ?
A. Yes. The type of material used makes no difference so long lrs the structural plan of the.roof is not altered substantially.
A. Should the cost of landscaping be included in the total cost of a project?
A. No, unless tile of other processed material is to be used.
Position Wanted
Lumberman with thirty years experience operating in Southern and Western woods-all phases of construction, logging, manufacturing-desires position as buyer, with woodworking factory, line yard firm, manager of retail yard, or assistant to owner. Age 53 years. References.
Address Box C-947, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles.
Girl for San Francisco wholesal.e lumber office for typing and to assist on books.. Advise in own handwriting age, experience and salary required.
Address Box C-948 California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles.
Victory Dinner and Golf Tournament
(Continued from Page 19)
Sun Lumber Company, California Panel & Veneer Co., John W. Koehl & Son, Cadwallader-Gibson Co., Inc., Western Hardrvood Lumber Co., Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co., E. U. Wheelock, Inc., U. S. Plywood Corporation, San Pedro Lumber Co., D. D. McCallum Sash & Door Co., T. M. Cobb Co. and Sampson Company.
Cigars were donated by H. W. Koll Lumber Co.
The committee in charge of the arrangements included: George E. Ream, George E. Ream Co., chairman; Roy Stanton, E. J. Stanton & Son; Fred Golding. Anglo California Lumber Co.; Harvey Koll, H. \Ar. Koll Lumber Co.; Bob Osgood, Frieder Brothers; Dee Essley, D. C. Essley & Son. and Ed Martin. The California Lumber Merchant.
l. H. Fetty
Funeral services for I. H. Fetty, president of the Airex Products and Paper Co., Ltd., Los Angeles, were held at the Wee Kirk o' the Heather, Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale, Saturday afternoon, June 13. Mr. Fetty had been associated with the Southern Pine industry for a number of years. He was formerly sales manager of the lumber department of Central Coal & Coke Co. of Kansas City, Mo., and later was with the Savannah River Lumber Co. at Atlanta, Ga. He retired from the lumber business several years ago, and made his home in Los Angeles.
Captain John P. Bostram
Captain John P. Bostram, veteran of 36 years' service \,\'ith Union Lumber Company, San Francisco, as captain of the steamer Noyo and other vessels, passed away in Burlingame, Calif., on June 18. He is survived by his widow. Mrs. Edna K. Bostram.