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Here's An [.Jnsolicited Staternent Made By One Of Our Dealers
ttSince your new board came out about four months ago most of our cus. tomers have gladly acceptd it in preference to other boards and are grateful that they were prevailed upon by us to use this superior wallboard. The writer inspected several jobs on completion and they are perfect. Atl of us here are very enthusiastic over t'he prospects of dweloping a very large business on Pacific Five-Ply."
As wetve said befors-youtll nevef know how good a wallboard can be made until you've seen the new Pacific Five-Ply (Redwood Core) Board.
Hardwood Dealers Use Air Route
Three San Francisco Bay District hardwood dealers made the three-h'our air trip to Los Angeles to attend a luncheon meeting of the Pacific Coast Hardwood Floorr,trg Association, held at the Jonathan Club, June 20.
Those who made the trip were B. E. Bryan, Strable Hardw,ood Co., Oakland, vice-president of the Association, J. E. Higgins, Jr., J .E. Higgins Lumber Co., San Francisco, and C. Harry White, White Brothers, San Francisco, directors of the association.
Mr. Bryan and Mr. Higgins traveled in one of the trimotored'Fokker ships of the Western Air Express, and Mr. White, rvho was accompanied by his wife and daughter, traveled in one of the big all-metal Ford planes of the Maddux Co. All report having had a very enjoyable trip.
Visitors Get Correct Data From Redwood Booklet
An attractive booklet, rvell illustrated and good looking, has been recently issued by The Pacific Lumber Company. The booklet is dedicated to visitors to the company's plants ancl operations, and is for the purpose of giving them accurate and concise information regarding some of the phases of the Redwood industry.
Among the illustrations are pictures of a number of fine buildings in Scotia constructed entirely of Redwood, including the First National Bank of Scotia, Scotia Hospital, Scotia Hotel and Theatre.
A picture which will catch the visitor's eye is one of a Redwood 1og, 40 feet long and 144 inches in dia'meter, containing 39,216 board feet. There are also pictures of Redwood forest scenes, and of a gr'ove of second growth Redrvood, 50 years old.
Particularly interesting is the picture and description of the Reforestation Nursery, and details of the methods used in reforestation work.
One page of the booklet is devoted to the various commercial uses of Redwood.
Accident Prevention Ass'n Holds Annual Convention
William W. Blackmer, of the Lassen Lumber & Box Co., Susanville, was elected president, N. M. Hansen, of the Sugar Pine Lumber Co., Pinedale was elected vice-president, D. S. Painter, Fruit Growers'Supply Co. was elected secretary, and W. T. Boyd, The Pacific Lumber Co., Scotia, was elected treasurer of the Lumbermen's Accident Prevention Association of California, at the seventh annual convention of that body held in the State Building, San Francisco, June 19, 20 and 2L.
Speakers who addressed the convention included N. M. Ffansen, Sugar Pine Lumber Co.; I)r'. Morton R. Gibbons, R. E. Haggard, and L. Dee Miller of the Industrial Accident Commission; Will J. French, director of the State department of industrial relations; W. A. Chowen, California inspection rating bureau; W. W. Keith, insurance expert, and J. F. Miller, safety engineer of the State fund.
E. G. Davis, of the rail department of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., San Francisco, returned recently from two weeks' vacation spent on Russian River.
ICTOR HYDRO'PLASTIC CEMENT is particularly recommended for tfie construction of income propcrties.
Its high early strength and extreme plaeticity (workability) eftect large eavings in time, labor and money, inauring quality construction without the penalty of excessive cogt.
Ite waterproof, oilproof and long wearing qualities Eerve to protect the original investment most fully, providing dependable protection against deterioration and exce$ive depreciation as well as against heavy maintenance chargea
From a purely business ctandpoint Victor Hydro-Plaotic C"cment embodies many exclueivc advantagea of particular importance to careful investord which wo gladly submit for your coneideration.

Inveatigate beforc building-not after.