3 minute read
Bv Jock Dionne
Ag" not guaranteed---Some I have told jot 20 years---Some less
A Time For Everything
I am positively guaranteed that the following actually happened very recently in a colored church in East Texas:
The congregation had become broken up into factions, and the factions were at open warfare with one another. As is often the case the unfortunate preacher for the congregation was being buffeted around by the various combatants, and was having trouble and plenty of it.
One Sunday morning he rose to preach. He had no more than uttered the words of his text, when the biggest, ripest tomato that East Texas could produce, hurled by a violent hand, hit him right square in the middle of the face, and splashed all over him, closing his eyes, and making him a horrible spectacle to behold.
Elected Directors
At the annual meeting of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association held at Chicago, June 11-14, the following were elected directors:
Northern Hemlock and Hardrvood; R. B. Goodman, W. A.Holt; Northern Pine; S. L. Coy, E. H. Broughton; Southern Cypress ;C.R. Macpherson, L.W. Gilbert; Southern Pine; A. J. Peavy, Geo. L. Pope, R. B. White, M. L. Fleishel. Chas. Green, W. T. Murray, L. O. Crosby; Northern Pine; J.L. Camp, J. Ross McNeal; Western Pine; D. J. Winton, Walter Neils, Geo. E. Breece, Harry K. Brooks, W. E. Lamm, S. V. Fullaway, Jr., B. W. Lakin, Ralph Macartney; California Redwood; L. C. Hammond, A. S. Murphy; Hardwood Manufacturers Institute; Lee Robinson, C. Arthur Bruce, Fred Bringardner; Southern Hardwoods; C. Arthur Bruce, Fred Bringardner, Lee Robinson; West Coast; C. H. Watzek, J. D. Tennant, M. C. Woodard, J. P. \Meyerhaeuser, Jr., Ernest Dolge, E. W. Demarest; At Large; J. W. Blodgett, R. H. Burnside, E. L. Carpenter, R. E. Danaher, G. W. Dulany, Jr., Paul Eames, E. G. Griggs, Carl Hamilton, J. P. Hensessey, H. B. Hewes, Ralph Hines, Robert Hixon, C. S. Keith, J. H. Kirby, E. L. Kurth, W. M.Leuthold, J. P. McGoldrick, W. M. Ritter, C. C. Sheppard, E. G. Swartz, A. Trieschmann, W. J. Walker, J. W. Watzek, Jr., F. K. Weyerhaeuser, Frank G. Wisner, F. E. Weyerhaeuser.
Back From Northwest
E. E. Schmidt, manager of the Los Angeles office of Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co., has returned from an automobile trip to the company's mill at Montesano, Wash.
He held control of himself with great fortitude. Slowly and deliberately he scraped the tomato mush away with his hands. Then he pulled out his big blue bandana handkerchief, and wiped away more of the trouble, getting his eyes open in this fashion.
Then, having cleaned up as best he could right then and there, he pulled out his big old silver watch, and scanned the time diligently and attentively. Then, for the first time since the tomato assault he spoke, slowly, and deliberately, and this is what he said:
"Brethe'n an' siste'n! Fo' de next twenty-nine minutes we goin'to devote oursetes to de bizness of de Lawd! An' afteh that you goin' to see de damndest niggah fight dat evah taken place in Angelina County."
Representing Plywood Company
The Northwest Lumber Agency, Los Angeles, wholesale firm, is representing the Aberdeen Plywood Company of Aberdeen, Wash., in California. Don M. Oder, manager of the Agency, is well known to the lumber trade in this territory and has been associated with the lumber business in Southern California for a long period. The firm also handles Fir and Cedar lumber.
Spending Vacation In The High Sierra
Don Philips, Lalrence-Philips Lumber Co., Los Angeles, accompanied by his family, is spending his vacation in the High Sierra.
F. J. Dunbar, Robert Dollar Co., San Francisco, attended a meeting of the board o.f directors of the Philippine Mahogany Manufacturers' Import Association, Inc., held in the Association's offices at Los Angeles on July 6.
S. M. Hauptman, general manager, California Wholesale Lumber Association, returned to San Francisco laly 2 after an absence of a little over three weeks spent in attending the annual meeting of the Lumber Code Authority in Chicago and in Washington, D. C. He made the round trip by the air route.
Mr. Hauptman visited Los Angeles in the early part of last week on the business of the Association.