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Oakland Conc ern Makes Steady lncrease
California Builders Supply Company, of Oakland, is one of the most progressive firms in the wholesale sash, door and millwork business in the State. Now in their tenth year of operation, they have built up an enviable reputation with the trade in their territory.
The principals, Kenneth J. Shipp and Arthur D. "Art" Williamson, friends and fellow workers since their school days, gained their early experience in the manufacturing
Lumber and Shipping
and sales branches of the industry with the California & Oregon Lumber Company at Brookings, Oregon, and with the Stout Lumber Company of North Bend, Oregon. Mr. Shipp came to California to spend some years in the Oakland plant and San Francisco office of the California & Oregon Lumber Company, and Mr. Williamson rvent on the road in California for the same concern.
In 1925 they founded their pfesent business, which is exclusively wholesale. Their plant is located at 501 29th Avenue, Oakland, where they carry a complete stock of sash, doors, millwork, panels and wallboard.
Recently they increased the floor space of their plant to 22,W square feet, and a few months ago became jobbers ,for plywood and wallboard, manufac' tured by Elliott Bay Mill Company, Seattle.
They report a gratifying increase in their business for the first six months of 1934 over the first half of last year.
They announce that they have started the manufacture and distribution of the well known "Casey" combination door, for which they have exclusive manufacturing rights for the whole of the United States. Further particulars regarding this door will be announced in an early issue of this paper.