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Raise L. C. A. Memberuhip Pasg Resolution on Hardwood Lumber Sales to Schools
Washington, D. C., June 22,-Pursuant to action taken by, the Lumber Code Authority at its regular meeting in Qhicago, June 11, a special meeting will be convened here luie 26 to consider changds in the Certificate of Incorporation of the Authority and in the By-Laws. The laws of Delaware, under which the Authority is incorporated, require that such changes be acted upon at two meetings not less than fifteen days apart. The amendments will have no effect until ratified by the second meeting.
That portion of the charter which now prohibits the By-Laws from providing for more than thirty voting members will be changed to read: "The By-Laws shall not provi{e for more than fifty voting members." The charter iimitation of a total of twenty-two representatives for divisions will be stricken out. The clause providing for a National Control Committee of five members will be changed to permit a committee of eight members.
Upon approval of these proposed amendmetrts to the charter, the Authority will vote on changes in the ByLaws which will provide for a total of forty-four instead of thirty voting members. The manner in which the new allocation of voting strength will affect each division follows:
San Francisco-At a meeting of the Wholesale Hardwood Lumber Distributors of Northern California on June 6th, 1934, after mu,ch dis'cussion the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
"Whereas, one of the principle purposes of our organization is to stimulate and further the use of hardwood lumber and its products;
And, as the manual training departments of the various schools throughout the state, collectively, make a substantial potential market for our products and afford an excellent means of familiarizing the woodworkers of tomorrow with the excellent qualities of hardwood;
And, as the cost of material is given serious consideration by these schools; to insure the continued use by them of hardwood lumber it should be available to them as cheaply as possible,
It is resolved, that the schools shall be considered legitimate customers of the hardwood lumber yards and so be solicited and sold direct by these yards."
In announcing the adoption of the resolution, the Wholesale Hardwood Lumber Distributors of Northern California state :
"A number of cases have been reported where, when an attempt has been made to sell the schools through the local lumber yards and that the profit added by the local lumber yard has made the ultimate quotation to the school prohibitive, with the result that other lumber was substituted for hardrvood."
Henry '\(/. Bode
Henry W. Bode, of the Bode Gravel Co., San Francisco, Northeastern
! and formerly of 'the Spring Valley Lumber Yard, San FranRedcedarShingre
I by his widow, Mrs. Margaret G. Bode, his mother, one
0 I :lliiibfother and four sisters'
ShoulddivisionsbecreatedforFlooring,Cooperage,andD'E'trnEramE'.rr'ocommission Salesmen by NRA action, they will each be FIRE DESTRoYS YARD oF srocKToN LUMBER given one membership on the Lumber Cocle Authority. D:-^ ^{ ..-r,-^,,,CoMPANY other divisions may be recognized as principal divisions ., Fitt'of unknown origin' swept the yard of the Stockton and allotted representatives in the voting membership oy Lt-ber co" Stockton' July 1' destroying lumber valued at subsequent amendments, provided that the total nu,mber $100'000' the office building' warehouse' machinery and of the representatives of the principal divisions does not::Il^t::lillt;.--l*o large lumber trucks and a freight exceed 35. Three memberships are to be allotted to the car loaded with lumber were also consumed' wholesale Lumber Distributors and are to be appointed The fire' one of the most spectacular in the city's hisby and retain membership at the pleasure of the National- tory' swept over two and a half blocks' doing damage estiAmerican wholesale Lumber Association mated at more than $300'000'
The Hardwood, West Coast Logging and Lumber, Southern Pine, Western Pine, Woodwork and Wooden Package Divisions, shall each be directed to include among the members elected to the Lumber Code Authority at least one representative of typical small enterprises to be selected by the operators of such small enterprises.
Other proposed amendments to the By-Laws would in- crease the National Control Committee to a total of eight instead of the present five members.
Another amendment will change that provision in the By-Laws which makes mandatory the holding of the annual meeting in Chicago to permit the annual meeting be' ing held at any city between the dates of May 15 and June 10 at the call of the Chairman.