3 minute read


Inch. Minimum Ad One-Half lnch.


Lumber yard site on Santa Monica Boulevard. The land and buildings of a going business with SIDE TRACKS. Will rent and sell stock or not as owner desired. Also extra land to rent for industrial or business material site. storage house, manufacturing or other purposes. Telephone Owner, ROchester 1107.

Yard Foreman

Wants position with wholesale or retail lumber yard. Knows both softwoods and hardwoods. Long experience. Anything considered. Can furnish references. Address Box C-511. care California Lumber Merchant.


Individual yards in Los details to Box


BUY RETAIL LUMBER YARDS will buy one or more well-located lumber Angeles or Los Angeles County. Write full C-512, California Lumber Merchant.

\(/oodwork Complication

Washington, D. C., June 23.-The Lumber Code Authority has transmitted to the Retail Lnmber Code Authority a set of resolutions by the Emergency National ,Committee of the National Woodwork Association, administrative agency in the Woodwork Division, which sets forth that sales of woodwork for specific construction projects commonly involve both stock and special woodwork in varying proportions; and that it is impracticable in the usual course of business to segregate the two items. Attention is directed to the fact that the application of minimum cost-protection prices of special woodwork and the retail mode markup on stock woodwork introduces difficulties and complexities recognized by both retail dealers and woodwork manufacturers. The resolution requests that the Retail Lumber Code Authority make provision for enough flexibilityin its forthcoming modal costs to permit a practical solution and suggests that the retailers appoint a special committee to meet with a like committee from the Woodwork Division to work out this problem.

Prevent Forest Fires

According'to Forest Service records, careless smokers are the only cause of fire which has shown a steady increase in the past ten years. A special appeal is made to all travelers to cooperate in preventing forest fires from this cause. Smoke only in safe places and when traveling in autos obey the state law forbidding the throwing of lighted matches or burning tobacco from the car. Every auto should be equipped with an ash receiver, the forest rangers say.

Los Angeles and Southern California lumber yards for sale. Address Box C-480. Care California Lumber Merchant.

Experienced Lumberman Wants Position

Lumberman of long experience wants position as bookkeeper, office or clerical work. San Francisco Bay district preferred. Address E. T. Paulson, 1735 Grove Street, Berkeley. Telephone AShberry 9932.


One--l-Ton or lf-Ton LUMBER TRUCK. Call UNiversity 4454, Los Angeles, California.

Many Farm Houses Need Repairs

A birdseye view of the farm housing situation, as disclosed in the recent housing srlrvey made by the U. S. Department of Agriculture in 352 counties in 46 states, was given to members of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers at the annual meeting in Detroit, June 20, by Wallace Ashby, of the Bureau of Agricultural Engineering.

Of the six and a quarter million farm houses in the country, probably about 50 per cent are in fairly good structural condition, Ashby stated. About 15 per cent of farm houses need complete replacements of foundations; betn'een 15 and 2O per cent need replacements of roofs; 10 to 15 per cent need new floors; and about 10 per cent need repairs or replacements of exterior walls.

"Between these extremes of houses in good condition and those needing complete replacements of some parts are a large group needing repairs of some kind, including much interior refinshing," Ashby stated.

The estimated cost of repairs and alterations to put farm houses in good liveable conditions, based on the reports of the survey, would amount to about three and one.half billions of dollars, or an average of about $575 per house, but this is several times the amount farmers feel they can spend at present.

In the last three years, they spent an average of $75 per house on repairs and contemplate spending during 1934 about $25 per house, which is about 4 per cent of the estimated amount needed for desirable reconditioning.

Only about 2O per cent of the totdLl of 630,000 farmers interviewed were intereSted in borrowing for farm house improvements, even on their own terms. The estimated amount of borrowing desired was less than $500 per farmer, or less than $100 per farm is based on all farms.

The number of new houses needed was estimated at about one million, but farmers are contemplating building only about one-fourth of that number in the next three years. The average cost of new houses needed was estimated at about $2500, but farmers are planning to spcnd an average of only a little more than $1000 per house.

Clean Up and Paint Up Window Display

Another of the new window displays, made in ten brilliant colors with thitteen color effects, size 31 inches high by 31 inches wide, with space for imprint, die-cut and packed in individual cartons, for mailing ot shipping, which is being made available for 1934 use to promote the sale of paint, hardware, seeds, lumber, and building materials, and to increase employment. These displays are being sold on a cooperative price basis, intended to cover only corst of handling, by the National Clean tJp and Paint Up Campaign Bureau, 2201 New York Avenue, N. W., $(/ashington, D. C., from which a colored descriptive circular and price list may be obtained upon request.

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