1 minute read

SIJCCESS STORY 11{ ACTION ... one in which every deqler

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It's the story of Volmanized Lumber*, a few years ago unknown to the public, today used for nearly every type of permanent lumber conetruction. And that's crly the first chapter.

Because it does a job which people want done, gives protection againet ternite and decay damage at low coet, Volmanized Lumber ie etill increaeing in popularity. Vith dealers especiallyo becauee it ende the need for lumber subetituteso becauee it is eold through regular trade channels.

Find out about Wolmanized Lumber. You can get it in straight or mixed carloads, from leading producere. Write to us today for complete information. AMERICAN LUMBER & TREATING COMPANY, 1408 Old Colony Building, Chicago, Illinois.

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