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How Lumber Looks

Pacific Coast building permits for 88 cities in June, 1939, l"^t-rl"^a $27-,287,673, an increase of. 28.74 p.r ..tit over the $21,5843A2 regis_tered in the like 1938 month, according to the Western Monthly Building Survey prepared by H-. R. Baker & Co. of San Francisco.-

Gains were recorded for California, Arizona. Colorado. Oregon, Utah, Washington, New Mexico and 'Wyoming. Los Angeles was the leading city with a total oi $O,SSZ,SO"S. Seattle, with $2,437,465, was in iecond place and registered the largest percentage and dollar increJse among thle western cities included. San Francisco was third. followed bv Denver, Colo., in fourth and Oakland in fifth place, the latter two separated by only $22,826. Long Beach was sixth am,ong the cities and was closely followed by Vancouver, B. C., Burbank and San Diego.

The leading 2!_9ili-es in June, 1939, registered an aggregat_e volume of $22,L3O,397 which represente.d a decreaie of 4.65 per cent o-ver the preceding month, but a gain of 32.83 per cent over June, 1938.

The following cities showed increases over both the prelje_dilg month and the same month last year: Seattle, pash.; Denver, Colo.; Oakland, Burban-k, Sacramento, Glendale, Vernon, South Gate, San Bernardino, Tacoma. Wash.; and Montebello.

^^P^o^t1"9-the week ended June 24, 519 mills produced 233,085,000 feet of softwoods and hardwoods combined; shipped 228,826,W feet; and booked orders of 245.77O.W feet, according to the National Lumber Manufacturers Assoclatron.

Revised figures for the preceding week were mills, 526; production 233,927W feet; shipments 233,508,000 feet; orders 250.938.000 feet.

Advertising Rctes on Applicction

Lumber orders reported for the week ended June 24 by 436 softwood mills totaled 235,799,m feet; shipments wer-e 2I9,2t6,On feet; and production 226,783,W feet. Reports from 98 hardwood mills for the same week gave new business as 9,971,000 feet; shipments 9,610,0@ feet; and production 6,302,000 feet.

A total of 143 down and operating mills in Oregon and Washington, which reported to the West Coast Lumbermen's Association for the week ended June 24, produced 102,525,267 feet; shipped 105,091,32O feet; and new business was I16,725.ON feet. The unfilled order file at these mills stood at 361.4D.O31 feet.

The Western Pine Associati'on, 1O1 mills reporting for the week ended July 1, gave production as 70,532,@O feet; shipments 63,016,000 feet; and orders 67,l4I,OOO feet. Orders showed an increase of 3 per cent over the previous week. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 178,889,000 feet.

The California Redwood Association, 13 mills reporting for the week ended June 24, gave production as 6,701,000 feet; shipments 6,569,000 feet; and new business 6,884,000 feet. Week-end orders on hand totaled 28,410,000 feet. The 13 identical mills reported production 4 per cent less and new business 24 per cent greater than for the same week last year.

The Southern Pine Association, 100 mills reporting for the week ended July 1, gave ,production as 28,143,00O feet; shipments 38,543,000 feet; and orders 31,322,00O feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 70.208,000 feet.

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