4 minute read
Hardware and Paints Moved to Lumber Department
The Graves Company, Los Angeles, recently moved their hardware and paint departments from a separate building to the retail lumber department, where the office and store building has been enlarged to house the hardware and paints.
It is interesting to note that while hardware and paints have been handled separately from the lumber department since
1922, experience has already proved in the last few months that it is much more satisfactory to have all retail sales made from one place, and the trade appreciates the onestop service.
Roy W. Johnson is manager of the retail lumber, hardware and paint departments.
Announces Sale oF \(/holesale Business Openr Offtce in Los Angeles
Sterling Lumber Company announces that it has sold its wholesale stock of merchandise and its wholesale department accounts to the Wholesale Building Supply, Inc., 1607 32nd. Street, Oakland, which is under the management of A. I\f. Charter, formerly connected with the Sterling Lumber Company.
The Sterling Lumber Company will continue to operate its retail yards in Northern and Central California, with general offices at its new address. 1617 32nd. Street. Oakland.
Donald G. Bird was maried to Miss Elizabeth C. Jongeneel Berkeley, July l.
Mr. Bird is associated with his father, Chas. G. Bird, in the Stockton Lumber Company, Stockton.
Marc de Bruin, who was associated with the Gorman Lumber Company, San Francisco, for some years, has moved to I-os Angeles, where he has opened an office at 416 West 8th Street, under the style of The Bruin Lumber Companv, which will conduct a wholesale business concentrating on the sale of Ponderosa Pine, the product of Northern California mills. The telephone number is VAndike 8061.
Marc is a fine fellow and he will undoubtedly make many friends in the trade in the Southern California territory.
Fire Destroys Santa Rosa Yard
Fire, said to be incendiary, destroyed the lumber yard of the Henry Laws Company, Santa Rosa, July 6. The fire which was discovered about 3 a.m. started in five places simultaneously, according to the report of Fire Chief Lloyd Rhoades.
New Kitchen Planning Book by Curtis
"Let IJs Tell You About Kitchen planning
With Curtis,,, is an interesting and novel book on kitchen planning recently published by Curtis Companies Ihcorporated, Clinton, Iowa. This book contains 32 pages, size 8t/a by 10fu inches, printed in four colors and features several modern and beautiful kitchens, photographed in actual color.
The first part of the book features the seven basic types of modern kitchens and gives the reader ideas on selecting a kitchen plan. Installations of Curtis equipped kitchens for each of these basic types are pictured.
Then the book continues with a novel idea, permitting the reader to plan a kitchen, page by page, as he or she goes through the book. This is achieved by means of .,cut-outs" of Curtis cabinets. Each cabinet is placed in the proper position in the kitchen as the pages of the book are turned. One really builds a typical Curtis kitchen by simply turning the pages of the book. The reader next sees that kitchen in black and white, and then in a beautiful four-color illustration, showing the effect of color in the kitchen. Four other difierent color suggestions are provided for the same kitchen.
This new book is the result of many months planning on the part of the Service Bureau of the Curtis corporation.
With the big modernizing market which exists today, and with the extension of FHA modernization loans, CurtiJ Companies fncorporated feel that this new sales tool will be valuable to their dealers in promoting kitchen cabinet sales and sales of other Curtis millwork, as well as the dealer's complete stock of all products.
Warns o( Fraudulent Scheme
Arthur C. Hayward, Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co., Salinas, reports that it has just come to his attention that several lumber yar.ds in that locality have purchased coupons redeemable in Wm. A. Rogers silverware as an advertising stunt.
Mr. Hayward says in part: "The man who sold these coupons went under the name of Joseph H. Ramsey, and possibly some other names that we haven,t found out. but want to advise his whole scheme is fraudulent. It is not backed by either of the Rogers silverware people, in fact, the International Silver Company is at present trying to locate this man in order to take legal action.
"ft might be well to advertise through yoar magazine that there is only one'Wm. A. Rogers Silverware Redemption Bureau and that is located in New york; that therels only one genuine Rogers Silverware Redemption Bureau owned and operated by the fnter,national Silver Company out of Detroit. Mich."
E. H. Bacon With Fir-Tex Corp.
Ernest H. Bacon has succeeded E. C. pitcher as manager of the Fir-Tex Corporation of Northern California and fre_ vada. Offices of this concern are at 557 Market Street. San Francisco.
Mr. Bacon is experienced in the insulation business, hav_ ing formerly.been associated with The Celotex Corporation for a period of five years.
The decrler who stoclcs \IEIO HighEcnly-Strengrth Portlcrnd CEMEtr{T is
Concrete work must often be done in an industriol plcnt without interfering with production. There is cr mcrchine foundation to be built, a floor to be lcid, a drivewcry or locding plctform to be repqired in the shortest time possible. Around homes cnd public buildings, qlso, similcr emergencies crise.
And VELO is THE emergency cement. In many types of work it mqkes concrete ready for use within 24 hours. Foundation forms can be stripped in 48 hours or less. Being extremely plcstic, VELO mokes an eqsy mix ond cr dense, wcrtertight concrete. Its finql strengrth meets the highest stcrndcnds for Portland cement.
Recommend VELO without qucrlilicctions . . qnd keep it in stock for customers' emergencies.!