3 minute read
STORIES for 20 ycarr---Some lacr Ag.
Bv Jock Dionne
not guarant €d---Somc I havc told
ln the Old Days Also
Grandpa, who was a wise old codger, was sitting quietly listening while his grandson and several other young business and professional men were threshing out the national political situation. Finally one of the young men turned to him, and said:
"Grandpa, I suppose you took a very active part in politics in your day, and were just as much interested then as we are now.tt
Grandpa said he always liked to keep up with politics, but that when he was young he hadn't the time to give to political reading that many young men have now.
"Most interesting feller I ever knowed in politicks," said Grandpa, "was John C. Fremont. Fine feller. I'll never fergit when he was elected President."
Buy Yard At Crescent City
Theo. F. (Ted) Hoffman and L. A. (Larry) Dodge have purchased the Hobbs, Wall & Co. retail lumber yard at Crescent City. Both are former employes of the company, Mr. Hoffman as manager of the yard and Mr. Dodge as a draftsman. They will carry a complete line of lumber and building materials.
"Wait a minute, Grandpar" said the young man. "You've got that all wrong. John C. Fremont was never elected President."
ttHe watnt?"
"No, Sir. Never."
ttWell," said Grandpa, ruminating, "that sure gets me. I remember heerin' ah' readin' durin' the campaign that if John C. Fremont wa'nt elected President the country would go to ruin, and everybody would go to the dogs. They was certain of it. Course, I lived on a farm an' didn't take no papers; but I noticed that things went on 'bout the same as usual, and nothin'terrible happened to the country, so I nacherally sposed that Fremont got elected. And he didn't, eh? Well, by Gummy, that sure gets me !"
Moves To New Location
Boomtown Lumber Company will move to a new location on Grand Coulee Boulevard, Central Valley, Calif., and B. H. Rhode, proprietor, states that he expects to move from the present site early this summer. The company was established last fall, and the present yard is located between Central Valley and Project City.
weldbord is c hcndwood wcllbocrd, resin bonded, which sells iSI ot TYzc per sq. ft. to the consumer crt c nice profit to the
Open All-Wood Demonstration Home at New York Fair
Washington, D. C.-In the presence of representatives of the lumber manufacturing, wholesaling and retailing in_ dustries, Wilson Compton, Secretary and Manag., oi th" National Lumber Manufacturers Association, formally clip_ ped the ribbon marking the official opening of the all_lum_ ber Demonstration House in the ,.Town of Tomorrow,' at the New York World's Fair.
The ceremony which marked the official completion of the National Small Homes Demonstration House, followed the recent session of the National-American Whole_ sale Lumber Association in New york.
Known as the "Dollar a Day" llouse No. 6 in the ..Town of Tomorrow," the all-lvood house employs the floor plan of the basic one-story cottage prepared for general ciiculation by the National Small Homes Demonstration. The house is in the $3000-Ea66g construction class, and as built at the Fair has a slighty raised roof, providing space for two additional bedrooms on the second floor. Other ad_ itions to the basic der,nonstration design are a garage wing and the terrace. Evans, Moore and Woodbridge, New York, were the architects.
The house is of "dry-built" construction, all interior walls and ceilings being some form of woocl paneling. The plank floor system as developed by the NLMA in its 193g Washington "Laboratory Community" has been employed again as a cost sav€r.
All visitors inspecting the Lumber Demonstration Home are supplied with two pieces of printed literature, one de_ scriptive of the house itself and one descriptive of the 12 low-cost 1939 models presented by National Small }Tomes Demonstration.
Mrs. Ysabel Bowen Lynch
Mrs. Ysabel Bowen Lynch, wife of Kenneth G. Lynch. passed away in the Hollywood Hospital on July 2. She is also survived by two children, Brenda and Kevin Lvnch. her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Bowen; a sister, Mrs. J. A. Wilcox and two brothers, paul and Walter Bowen.
Mr. Lynch is in the sales department of the patten_Blinn Lumber Company, Los Angeles.
Anglo California Buys New Site
Anglo California Lumber Company, 642O Avalon Boule_ vard, Los Angeles, announces the purchase of a three_ acre site at the corner of Frorence Avenue and Stanford Street, Los Angeles.
Plans for the buildings are nor.v being drawn and an announcement will be made later lvhen the yard will be moved to the new location.
Home Construction At Record Levels
New York, July lZ.-Home building in the first half of 1939 outstripped every year since 1929, according to an F. W. Dodge Corp. report. In the 32 states east of the Rocky Mountains, residential building contracts let in the period totaled $644,527,W.