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STUCCO JOBS that lceep

loolcing 'tfike o million"

Build Business For You

Notice the wcy the good-looking stucco iobs stqnd out on my street, Clecn, imqrflooking cnd witir cm oir of .permcrnence, .you iu.st }a9w. tl.reV Dullcl new buslness tor ptctstermg contrdctors, Help insure Iuture volume by Leeping o close. check o.n quolity, Just lollow hes6 slmDle rules: See thdt-the slructure is ricid cnd well-fromed thdt the Lqse is O.K. lhct protective structurol detqils cre properly designad . , thdt only stucco mcde with PORTLAND CEMENT oT WATER-PROOFED PORTLAND CEMENT is ueed lor oll codls qnd that it is mixed, cpplied cnd cured cccording to opproved methodE. Write for NEW EDITION of our "Plcsicror'r Mcruct," covering lqtest specilicqlions <rnd methods lor mcting good slucco.


DcpL I 7b-ll, 816 W. Flltb St., lo. Aagctcr, Cclll. A nqtional orqcnizqtion lo imDrove ond extend lhe uses of concrete thr5ugh scientilic reiearch cnd engineuring field rvork.

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