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Wants Connection
WANTED-By competent lumberrnan position as retail yard manager. Have had over twenty years' experience. Understand collections and credits, office details, and familiar with selling conditions in Soutb ern California. Can furnish good references. Address Box C-817, California Lumber Merchant.
Salesman Wanted
We want energetic, experienced wholesale Pine man, specializing on industrial trade. If you can qualifn send us your record. Address C-824, California Lumber Merchant.
Will Sell Or Lease
Owners have disposed of stocks and have yard site to sell or lease in Tucson, Arizona. Address Box C-825 California Lumber MerChant.
Lady Wants Position
Experienced stenographer, familiar with all office detail, desires position-either permanent or temporary work during vacation period. Address Box C-822, California Lumber Merchant.
Opportunity For Good Man
Wanted-Man under ,10 as assistagt for retail lumber yard who is able and willing to work both in office and yard. Must be thoroughly experienced Knowledge of East Bay district preferred.
Carter Lumber Co., 4O0 High Street, Oakland. Phone ANdover 7272.
Lumber Yards For Sale
We have a number of good yards in Southern Cali' fornia for sale. Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Securities Building, Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
\(/. S. Crosby Elected Vi.e-[Ptesident and 62% of U. S. Homcs Need Repairs Sales Manager of The R-J-M Company
Announcement has been made by William L. Rawn, president of The R-J-M Company, Los Angeles, of the appointment of .W. S. "Win" Crosby to a position of vicepresident of The R-J-M Company in charge of sales. Mr. Crosby was also elected as a member of the board of directors of the sanre firm.
In making the above announcement Mr. Rawn stated that it gave the company great pleasure to have Mr. Crosby receive this position as he felt that his long experience in hardware and building materials would especially adapt him to the position of vice-president and sales managef.
Mr. Crosby, who is known to his many friends as "Win," has behind him a most enviable record since coming to Southern California years ago. He was for ten years manager of the Building Materials Department of the Hammond Lumber Company. He left that position to become secretary and general manager of the Los Angeles Cburit! Building Material Dealers' Association, which position he held for four years during and shortly after the "cbde" days. He joined the staff of The R-J-M ,Company in 1937 and has been active throughout the Los Angeles territory ever since. His many friends extend to him heartiest congratulations upon his recent promotion and feel that he justly deserves the advancement which has been extended to him.
New York, Jane Z{-With sixty-two per cent of American homes in immediate need of repairs, the building industry faces the greatest responsibility in its history, C. E. Stedman, vice president in charge of sales, Certain-teed Products Corporation, declared in a special statement today.
Increased demand due to the spurt in new home building and to war construction must not lead to sharp price increases, he said. Forty-four per cent of U. S. dwellings need minor repairs, fifteen per cent have major needs, while 2.3 per cent are actually unfit for habitation, according to a survey of nearly two million homes.
"Our national interest demands that we mai.ntain the American standard of living by meeting these needs as soon as possible," declared Mr. Stedman.
Statistics show, he continued, that the repairs will fall into these major classifications; twenty-four per cent require changes in heating plants, eighteen per cent require painting, and fifteen per cent need new roofs. Roofing materials in general have not increased in price, Mr. Stedman said, and now represent the highest values ever offered.
Vacationing at Yosemite il
Roy E. Hills of Wendling-Nathan Company, of $arq Francisco, is enjoying three weeks' vacation at Wawofra; Yosemite National Park, where he is reported to be plhyi ing a lot of golf. He is accompanied by his wife and soh. i