4 minute read
Seff Inventory
One ol the grect minds oI cll time wcts c pot-bellied Athenicn locrler ol olden dcys, whoee ncrme wtrs Socrqtes. The thinking world guotes him lorever,' qnd lorever shall. And the most quoted ol <rll the Socrcrtic philosophies wcs q lwo-word piece oI crdvice:
(Ol course, Socrates scid mcny things that I love to quote. For instcnce he scrid every man should mcry. "Il you get cr good wile" scid ihe old scge, "she will mcrke you hqppy. And iI you get tr bcrd wile, she will mcke you q philosopher.")
But it is the "KI{OW TIIYSEI^F" crdvice thcrt we propose to brielly discuss here, cs pcrt oI our sqles course. When Socrcrtes slipped thct two-word suggestion to luture generctions he wcrs encompcssing in two simple words, and estcblishing for cll time, crn unvcrying chcrt lor the direction ol humcn eflort into the chcrnnels of success. The cvercge mcn fcrils oI success lcrgely lor the recson thcrt he hcrs not properly applied cmd prolited by this terse crdvice. He hcrs lcriled to KI'IOW HIMSELF.
The mcn who knows not himsell nor his possessions cqnnot possibly know whct he hqs to sel} cmd the lirst essenticrl ol selling is knowing your goods. Every mcsr hcrs something to sell the world. SeU-selling is his primcry iob, regcrdless ol where his lot is ccst. Therelore he should stcrrt out with an honest, unbicsed sell-inventory. Know thysell. Tcke note oI your crssets cnd licrbilities. Estimcte your strength qrrd your weckness. Consider well those qucrlities you hqve in relcrtion to your business needs. Use this inventory qs q bcrsis for cr copcigm lor sell-betterment. Get the thought in your hecrd thct the wcy to make the most ol your business opportunities is lo mcke the most of YOIIRSEIF,lirst.
Thct other fellow over there, the one who is mcking such c conspicuous success oI his business effort cnd whose crbility you crdmire, is probcrbly whcrt he is beccuse some time bcck yonde: he did iust whcrt you qre doing; looked hinself over, weighed himsell crnd then stcrrted out to work out his own business scrlvqtion
And still crnother lellow who everyone scys hcs so much "personclity," probcbly comes under the scme rule. Thqt mcrrvelous thing men ccll "personclity" is generclly the result of intelligent eflort, rcrther 1561 inherited brillicnce. Too mcny oI us look upon signs oI unusucrl cr'bility in others crs irdicctions ol ENDOWMENT, rcther thqn results oI crpplied eflort. And thct viewpoint throttles our ourn ambitions. We believe in crrbitrcrry lcrws of limitcrtion thct scry how lar we ccm go and no larther, in vcrious directions.
Wherecrs the lact is thct whcrt men have done, men cqrr do, iI they try cs hcrd cnrd as intelligently qs the others. Thct's why old Socrates bcrde every mc-' hope, when he sqid "Know Thysell." Thct lcnowledge is the loundcrtion on which you mcry stqrt lo build whiat you wcmt to be. And, by the wcy, c very wise modem crddition to Socrcrtes' cdvice would be: "Don't kid yoursell." Il you deliberctely checrt yoursell in mcking lhcrt inventory, the Lord only loows whct sort ol lop-sided structure mcry be the result.
Sash and Door \(/holesalers Will Hold Forest Conservation Displayed At Fair
Golf Tournament July 23
The Wholesale Sash and Door Association of Southern California will hold their next golf tournament at the Fox Hills Golf Course, 5800 West Slauson Avenue, Los Angeles, Tuesday afternoon, July 23, l94O The tournament will start at 1:0O p.m. A big crowd is expected.
Among the prizes to be played for will be the West Coast Screen Co. trophy for the guests, Bill Sampson trophy for the Association members, the special feature event, and blind bogey. Other prizes will be awarded to the winners of the various special events.
Dinner will be served in the Club House at 6:30 p.m. and will be followed with the presentation of prizes and cards.
The committee arranging for the tournament includes D. D. McCallum, Orrin Wright and Earl Galbraith. Reservations can be made by calling Earl Galbraith, telephone VAndike 0845, Los Angeles.
Andrew Foster Elected Commander of Lumbermen's Post
Andrew Foster, California Portland Cement Co., was elected Commander of Lumbermen's Post No. 4O3, American Legion, at the monthly meeting held at the Royal Palms Hotel, Los Angeles, Tuesday evening, July 9.
Other officers elected include Sam Giesy, Whiting-Mead Co., First Vice-Commander; Roy James, Second ViceCommander; Hugh Satterlee, Adjutant; Phil Lyons, Hayward Lumber & Investment Co., Finance Officer; Jack Brush and Rex Kratz, Brush Industrial Lumber Co., Chaplains; Milton Taenzer, American Hardwood Co., Historian; and Walter Mcleod, Cadwallader-Gibson Co., Inc., Sergeant-at-Arms.
Carl Schreiber, Northwestern Mutual Fire Association, and William McCullough, McCullough Roofing Co., were elected members of the Executive Committee.
Max Kaufman, secretary, Southwestern Portland Cement Co., and Chairman of the llome Defense Section of the Defense Committee of Southern California, was the speaker of the evening.
Forest conservation and wise use of forest resources are now being symbolized for Golden Gate International Exposition visitors at a number of modern exhibits on San Francisco's Treasure Island.
In participation with the Federal Commission for the Exposition the U. S. Forest Service, Department of Agriculture, has assigned District Ranger Ray Stevenson of the Sequoia National Forest as information attendant at the forest-soil-wildlife conservation exhibit in the southwest corner of the Federal Building. The exhibit depicts good forest and soil conservation practices as opposed to unrestricted and abusive use of the land.
Exposition visitors are evincing ,considerable interest in the Sylvan Court within the Federal grounds where the Forest Service has a series of conservation murals an4,,f fire fighting equipment unit on display. The Sylvan Cofr"t is shared with the National Park Service and the U. S. '-fravel Bureau under the charge of J. L. Bessemeyer of the latter agency. r
The Federal Building administration again is displaying wood materials from the Forest Products Laboratory of Madison, Wisconsin. This exhibit includes samples of scores of wood products, ranging from surgical absorbants to phonograph records and fabrics.
At other points throughout the Federal Building are outstanding pictorial and exhibit features pointing to sensible conservation practices and the economic role of using renewable natural resources wisely.
The Shasta Cascade 'Wonderland Asssociaion exhibit in which forestry conservation was centered at last year's Exposition portrays the popular recreational use of forests and mountains. In 1939 more than four million visitors were tallied in the 18 national forests of California.
Appoints Sales Representative
D. E. McDuffee, sales manager for Tarter Webster & Johnson, Inc., San Francisco, made a business trip to Los Angeles at the first of the month and while there appointed Henry Pries to handle sales of upper grades and shop lumber from the Blagen mill at White Pines, Calif.
Mr. Pries is sales manager for the Mt. Whitney Lumber Co., with offices at 3030 East Pico Boulevard, Los Angeles.