2 minute read

No Joints-Fabric Face With New Board

The production by the Speedwall Co. of Seattle of composite plywood panels in room sizes up to 8'x2O' and faced with fabric, is now attracting attention of'builders.

Because its giant size does away with making joints, and because its surface provides a base for easy and quick decoration on which checking an'd cracking are minimized, it is claimed that Jumbo Speedrvall, as it is called, is a final solution to the dry walls built with plywood method of construction.

The panels are of standard grade, water resistant, Douglas Fir plywood panels, hot press "welded" together with synthetic resin glues. Surfaces to be decorated are sealed and "dressed" with a strong woven fabric, such as is often applied by fine decorators over many different types of surface. The special adhesive with which this fabric is applied also provides fire resistance and a moisture barrier for the wall when it is used.

In common with all dry walls built with plywood construction, the new material also provides extra strength, rigidity, high insulation value, light weight, easy workability and of course, does away with the moisture, mess and delay of conventional type construction.

The new product is applied to standard construction studding and the carpenters can proceed with their work without the delays which are common when lath and plaster is applied. Doors and windows and other openings are cut out on the job; the panels are nailed or glued in place, and the decorating can commence at once, without delay.

Ordinarily one board makes a room wall, four boards make a whole room. It has been proven possible with these panels, to erect a five room house, foundation to finish, in forty days.

Builders who have used the panels, see in it many immediate advantages to them: it saves weeks of time in erection, it eliminates joint making on the job and the possibility of vexatious cracks developing later on. Owners enjoy the satisfactio,n of getting into their new homes sooner, the lasting satisfaction of sound construction with a minimum of checks and cracks, plus the low maintenance costs and the lowered fuel bills.

Jumbo Speedwall is now being sold in the trading area immediately adjacent to the Speedwall Co. factory in Seattle, but the management states that an announcement will shortly be made on merchandising plans that will make the giant board available in all parts of the country.


Lester Kuck has been appointed manager of the Foxworth-Galbraith Lumber Co. yard at Mesa, Ariz. He was formerly manager of the J. D. Halstead Lumber Co. yard at Williams, Ariz. The Halstead yard at Williams was recently sold to the Hayward Lumber & Investment Co. of Los Angeles.

Newg Flashes

John I. Shafer, of the John I. Shafer Hardwood Co., South Bend, Ind., is on a visit to Southern California.

Calvada Lumber Co. Mill at Massack, Calif. is successor to Massack Lumber

Itay Shannon, llnion Lumber Company, Los Angeles, was a recent visitor at the company's San Francisco office.

Frank Curran, Frank Curran Lumber Co., Santa Ana, is on a vacation trip to Chicago and other points in lllinois.

William Marmion, San Gabriel Lumber Co', San Gabriel, left last week for the Middle West where he will pick up a new automobile, drive on to New York, and then back to Southern California.

Connor Shingle Co., Los Angeles, has moved to a new location at 1116O West Pico Boulevard. The company was formerly at Ol S. Anderson St.

Al Koehl, John W. Koehl & Son, Los Angeles, is back from a vacation trip to New York. He traveled both ways by airplane.

Jim Chase, San Pedro Lumber ComPanY, has been vacationing the past two weeks.

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