1 minute read
Sell lumber that vields q prolit od lcstins satislodion. CZC, the protected lunber, is c'iem, odorlese cnd pqintcble. Ir is termite od decoy resistot od lirc reicding. You cor sell it lor F.H.A., U. S. Govemment, Los Angeles eity dtd County md Unilom Building Code iobs. CZC tr€gled lumber ia stocked lor immediot6 shipmerirt in conmercial sizes dt long Baoch od Alcmedo. AsL dbout our exchoge serricc clrd nill shipaent plan.
GJltdnh Sds lgob - WEST-GoAST W00D PRESERYIIIG G0. ' Sorlllr 601 W. Fitrh St., Lor tragela, Cclil., Phgac lt{c-hiega 6291 333 Moatgoncry St., Sa! Flocirco.. Ccl- Phmc DOuglcr 388i1
I. E. MANTTN Mcncgtng Editor