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Another Wonder-Made in California
Here is the new office of the Central Lumber & Fuel Company, Santa Crrz, California, one of the most attractive plaees of its kind operated by a retail lumberman anywhere on earth.
This is the sales and display office of this very active concern. 'When they first opened this display room it was used. for a sarnple room, a place convenient to the office where they kept samples of the different kinds and grades of lumber, shingles, milled products, ete. They used. the room so that they could show the customer their stocks without le-ading them about the plant, displaying them in bulk.
This worked so successfullyr 1[11 they enlarged this department, put in show windows so that they could display their goods to advantage to the passers-by.
They then divided the room into compartments, putting in a model kitchen, bed-room, bath room, showing the builtin features applieable to each room.
They also change the display in their windows every week, and keep things in the window that will give the passer-by something of an interesting building character to think about, thus making the show window a constant advertisement.
The result is that the show room and show windows of the Central llumber & FueI Company are among the most interesting and talked-of places in Santa Cruz. Not only do the townspeople look at them with continued interest, but the tourists who pass through the town immediately notice this most modern " lumber yard. "
In addition to this display room and windows they have a plan room rvhere their friends can come and look over their plans, and make their selections. This room is in constant use, and. a distinct feature of their business.
This plan and display department has been in operation only since the first of the year, but it has long ago convinced its owners that the investment was a fine one, and that by re&son of these innovations they are giving their townspeople a line of service that they could not get otherwise, and. which is very mueh appreciated.

The manager and builder of this modern building department is George H. Cardiff, who is sold on the idea of serving the public, and on the thought that the mod.ern builtling merchant must keep idea that it pays to up with the times. I-rikewise on do so. the
Millions Of Feet Of
This stock is 3 to 8 feet long, can be utilized for a large number of the uses of the long lengths, and sells from $30 to $35 a thousEnd less than the ordinary long lengths of Redwood. And it is entirely dry and ready to ship.