1 minute read
The Booth-Kelly Lumber Co.
CROW'S Pacific Coast Lumber INDEX
Mr. Tack Dionne. Calif. Lumber Merchanr. Central Bldg., Los Angeles, California.
Dear Jack:
I want to compliment you and Mr. Martin and all the rest of your organization on your Fifth Anniversary Number. This is without a question of a doubt the best annual number you have ever gotten out. The general style of the paper conforms from the front page to the last and if it doesn't please your readers I will be greatly mistaken.
Sincerely tout.,C"rr.
R. A. Fobes, Los Angeles, Southern California manager for Sudden & Christenson, announces his resignation, effective September 1. Mr. Forbes states that he has made no definite plans for the present. He has been connected with Sudden & Christenson for the past eight years, and prior 'to that was with the Hammond Lumber Co. for ten ye.ars. Mr. Fobes came to Los Angeles from the South, where he was connected with the lumber industry in Texas and ilouisiana. He stands high in the esteem of the lumber fraternity of this territory.
Mrs. W.O. Wilson (formerly Miss Carey), who has lbeen connected with theii Los Angeles office "for the past twenty years, has also announced her resignation.