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"Then He Took Up Golf"
Reports coming out of San Francisco state that the latest victim to the game of golf is Frank O'Connor,'the well known lumberman and shipping official. Heis the San Francisco manager for the Donovan Lumber Co., and also holds a prominent position in shipping ctrcles, being president of the Pacific Coast Ship Owner's Association and a member of the Marine Committee of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce.
It Frank takes his golf seriously, this is going to be a blow to baseball. During the summer season, Frank can be seen any Saturday afternoon at the San Francisco base: ball park with hisgang in Box 31 giving the "Seals" his m'oral support. So it looks'as though the "Valencia Vanderbilts" might lose a good cash customer if he intends to spend his Saturday afternoons on the golf links.
Trower Lumber Company
San Francisco, July 6,1927. Mr. "Bill" H. Woods, "The California Lumber Merchant," San Francisco, Calif.
Dear Bill:
Your Fifth Anniversary Issue is better than ever. Congratulations and all good wishes for continued prosperity. The special articles and the photos of San Pedro Harbor were notably interesting. We sent copies of the issue to various northern mill friends.
Jack Dionne's California Spokesman has been a vital factor in helping to make California Lumbermen better merchandisers and better neighbors in our lumber communitY
Sincerely Yours, Frank W. Tower.
Polcr-Pila-Crcorotcd Matsrlal
Ccntral Building
TRinity 6332
Hugh Gallagher, "The Little Giantf' of the shipping industry in the San Francisco Bay District and connected withthe Matsoh Steamship Co., isthe guiltyparty who lured Frank onto the golf links. Frank was initiated in his first game of golf reeently, with Hugh acting in the capacity of instructor but Frank took to the new game just like a duck takes to water, and walked ofi the winner of the contest. Frank shot the eighteen holes just under "N." It looked bad for Frank on the first nine holes as Hugh had him three down at the turn but coming in Frank shot a snappy string of lo's and beat Hugh out.
We understand that Frank has bought himself a very sporty golf outfit, and after a few more games he expects to show his stuff to some of his many lumber and shipping friends on the links.
George S. Long, vice-president and general manager of the Weyerhaeuser Timber Co., ahnodnced recently that his company will proceed immediately with plans for the construction of their plant on their mill site two miles south of Klamath Falls, and that it is expected that actual construction work will be under way before the end of this year.
The building of 15 to 20 miles of logging railroad will be necessary to begin logging the 300,000 acres of pine timber owned by the Weyerhaeuser Company in the Klamath basin.
This announcement followed closely the announcement that the Great Northern railroad had completed arrangements to extend its road into Klamath Falls, and will in fact start operation of trains into Klamath Falls earlv next year.
Included in the plans and in addition to the huge sawmill will be a sash and door factorv and a veneer plant.