3 minute read
Arrange Program For West Coast Woods Architectural Competition Jury of Award
Seattle, Wash., JalyZ7-Plans are being made by the Washington State Chapter, American Institute of Architects, in conjunction with the West Coast Lumber Bureau for the entertainment of the members of the jury of award for the West Coast Woods Architectural Competition, which is sponsored by and being conducted under the auspices of the Washington State Chapter A. L A., with J. Lister Holmes of Seattle, as professional adviser. The architects comprising the jury of award will be in Seattle and Portland from August 1O to 16, the eastern mernbers of the jury being Emery Stanford Hall, of Chicago; Henry C. Hahn and Louis C. Jaeger of New York City. The other members are W. R. B. Willcox of Eugene, Ore., and David Myers of Seattle.
The competition, which is offered by theWest Coast Lumber Bureau, is for the best designs of a residence, not exceeding seven principal rooms, and a garage, built principally of wood and bringing forth the uses, applications and methods of construction and finishing of the woods of the Pacific Northwest-Douglas fir, West Coast hemlock, Sitka spruce and Western red cedar. The competition closes at 5 p.m. August 1. The first prize design will receive $2,000 in cash, the second $50O and ten designs receiving favorable mention will be awarded $100 each. C. W. Stimson, prominent Seattle lumberman, who suggested the competition is presenting the first and second prizes. Competitors from all parts of the United States, Canada and other foreign countries will submit designs.
All members of the jury of award are architects of national reputation andthey will be accompanied to the Northwest by their wives. The plans for entertaining the visitors also will include a program of entertainment for the ladies of the party. The three judges are scheduled to arrive in Seattle the evening of August 10. The tentative program for the visitors is as follows:
Thursday, August 1l-Judgment of drawings, which will be exhibited on the second floor of the Stimson building. Luncheon at noon when the members of the jury will meet C. W.. Stimson and members of the Washington State Chapter competition committee.
Friday, August |2.-Jadgment of drawings in the forenoon and awarding of prizes in the afternoon. At 5 p.m. the drawings will be viewed by members of the Washington state chapter of architects, and at 7 p.m, the West Coast Lumber Bureau will give a dinner at the Olympic hotel to the Washington chapter with the jury of award as honor guests.
Saturday, August l3.-Automobile trip to Rainier National Park, via Snoqualmie Falls Timber Company's plant, Snoqualmie Falls, the party spending the night at Paradise Inn on Mount Rainier.
Sunday, August l4.-Automobile trip from the park to Longview for the night.
Monday, August l5-Inspection of Long-Bell Lumber Company's plant at Longview and logging camp at Ryderwood, Wn. Automobile trip to Portland, where the West Crcast Lumber Bureau will be host at a dinner in the evening at the Benson Hotel to the members of the Oregon State Chapter, A. I. A., with the members of the jury of award as honor guests. The prize winning designs will be on view in the banquet hall for the Oregon architects.
TueSday, August lG-Trip over the Columbia River Highway, returning to Portland in the evening.
A tentative program for the entertainment of the ladies in the party includes several luneheons and a dinner and theatre parties. Details of the program will be decided later.
Emery Stanford Hall is a director of the Illinois Society of Architects, chairmpn of the Publication and Materials and Methods committee of that society and editor of its handbook for architects and builders.Heis the A. I. A. representative on the consulting committee National l.umber Standardization Conference. Mr. Hahn is president of the Atlantic division, Architects Small House Service Bureau, serving for years as chairman of the division's plan committee. He also is director of program with the Producers' Research Council, A. I. A. Mr. Jaeger is vicepresident and chairman of the plan committee of the Atlantic division Architects' Small House Service Bureau. Mr. Willcox is a fellow in the A. L A. and member of the jury of fellows ahd formerly was a director in the A. I. A. For some years he has been professor in charge of the department of Architecture, IJniversity of Oregon. Mr. Myers is a past president of the Washington State Chapter A. I. A. and has officiated on the jury of award in a large number of the more important architectural cgrnpetitions in the West.