2 minute read
(Thc Clqring Houre)
Thic Column of "'Wants" and "Don't Wants" ie for:
The Fellow Who Wants to Buy The Fellow'Who Wants to Sell
The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
Ro.cr t2.50 pcr cofumn incf, TheFellow Who Wants to Be Hired
A thoroughly competent man to take a financial interest in and complete charge of manufacturing operations of one of the best located sawmills in the Pacific Northwest. Address: F. O., c-o California Lumber Merchant.
FOR SALE OR TRADE: Retail lumber yard and planing mill in Lakeport, Calif. Any one interested write Lakeport Planing Mill, Lakeport, Calif.
- Hale-opening for salesman thoroughly acquainted with the California White and Sugar Pine irade- in Southern California. Address Box C-134, care The California Lumber Merchant.
POSITION WANTED-By Lumberman-wholesale, retailand buil{ingJoan experienie. Four years in and around Los Angeles. Want permanent connection. Can furnish highest references. Address Box C-135, care Calif. Lumber Merchant.
FOR SALE-Well established retail lumber yard- 930,00O will handle. Address Box C-136 c-o Calif. Lumber Merchant.
FOR SALE-Retail lumber Angeles. A money maker. it won't last. Box C-137 c/o business in suburbs of Los Act quick if you waht this, Calif. Lumber Merchant.
President J. E.'Neighbor of Oakland Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39 pre,sided at one of the best Hoo-Hoo club meetings July 14th that has been held in Oakland for sometime. The meeting was lively and interesting from start to finish. R. O. Wilson acted as chairman and introduced as speaker of the day. R. S. Kellog, of the'News Print Bureau of New York, and who was formerly Secretary of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association. Mr. Kellog took for his subject "Forestry and Reforestation." Vicegerent Bob Grant of the San Francisco district and vicegerent Al Hubbard of the San Jose district also addressed the meet- i.g. Garnet Fraser introduced as his guest, Dr. E. J. Cattell a prominent civic worker of Philadelphia and formerly statistician for that city, who made a short talk. The usual club singing was indulged in and Nels Quist of Quist Bros. Lumber Co., Hayward, sang a couple of numbers which were well received bv the crowd.
2 Cart S7/32x3-y4" No. I and Bctter Meplc Flooring
I Ctt |7fti\rt-la" Clcar Maplc Flooring
I Crt 57/32rt-/a" Frctory Maplc Floorius
2 Crrr 57/32t2-y1" No. I end Bcttcr Mrpic Flooring
I Cet 57i32-LYt" Clcar Maplc Flooring
I Cat S7/32-2-li" F*tory Mrplc Flooring
2 C-rtt 1l/32=ry4" No. I and Bcttcr Meplc Flooring
I Crt 1l/1.2-LY+'t Clcat Maplc Flooring
I C* 4l/3223-/a" Frctory Maplc Flooring
2 C*t 1l/32xL%" N". I end Bcttcr Meplc Flooring
I Car 1l/32x2-/a" Clcet Maplc Flooring
I C* 1l/32-2.t7r" Faclor! Maplc Flooring
Thi! is dt hrsh clare fooririg nanufactured from lVirconrin and Northern Michigan Hard Maplc. A floor laid with thir rtock will nener wear out. Write us for complete inforrnation and pricea.
In'cubmitting your inquirier pleare refer to our List Sierra-
Experienced Lumberman
' Experiehced wholesale lumber salesman and office manager-eight years' experience California and Eastern markets. Age thirty-two, married. Address Box C 133, care California Lumber Merchant.
Eastbay Millman Returns From Eastern Trip
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Parker returned during July from quite an extended eastern trip. They took passage on the liner Manehuria during May for New York, via thi Panama Canal and Flavana. While on the Atlantic coast they visited all the principal cities and points of interest, and came west over the Canadian Rockies to the Pacific Northwest. They visited Banff and Vancouver, B. C., while in the north ahd report having had a wonderful trip, but that they are glad to be back on the San Francisco Bay.
W. A. "Bill" Glenn, assistant sales manager of the Coos Bay Lumber Co., with Mrs. Glenn and family, is spending his vacation in the Yosemite Valley. The ferry boat gang will expect some fish stories from Bill on his return. He lt'ill be back about August l0th.