3 minute read
A- C. MERRYMAN Adrerdalng Manager
San Fmctrco
Com Nc6m Calff. ud Pacdfic Ntrthwast
Subrcrip-tion Price, g2.ll0 per Ycar Singlc Copicr, 25 cente ealh.
How Lumber Looks
The lumber movement rerumed itc normal strider during the week ended JuIy 14, for which 878 leeding softwood and hardwood milh reported production at 324,478'OOO f,eet; rhipment!, 3651148,O00 feet and ordenr $Z;O44;OOO feet, according to adviceg to the National Lumber Manufacttucn Arociatlon. The hearry gains in the rcfhpood branch of the indruhy ovcr the prcceding wcck due to the faC ttrrt thc latter hcludcd the national holiday of JuIy 4. New burincl| and rhipmentr---eepccially rhipmcntr-wcrc wcll in cxccr of production"
According to the rcport the total softwood lunbcr noec. ncnt for trhc 6nt 2E wcckr of 192t thorvr: Production, 7,249rU9 M fcct; Shipmtl 7,7firg97 M fcct; Ordcr+ Z,g0d'rtn7 M fcct
For Sc nilb of thc Wst Coart Lunbcrucntt Auociadon, tho rcport,for thir rane pcriod Aowr: Production, 3r22l,4o9 M fcct; Shipncntr, 314391608 M fect; Ordcrrr, 31629,17l M f.cct
For thc rnilb of thc Orlifornie Whitc end Sugar Plnc Arocietion, thc rcport rhornr for thb pcriod: Produc{ion, 616,7(H M fcct; Shipncntl 699,362 M fcct; (}ndcn, 7O2r|84,3 M feGL
Thc 6gure on Southen Pinc for thc 6rt 28 wccLr of
"Stiles and Rails"
"The trouble with having a chip on your shoulder is that somebody is likely to knock it ofr." At least so says the axiom on the outside front cover of the attractive new house organ, "Stiles and Rails," which the Pacific Door & Sash Company, of Los Angeles will publish monthly from now on, Number One, Volume One, being just ofi the press. The editor is "Tat" Nicholson, son of Ea. Nictrolson, who'has been in charge of the publicity department of the cqncern for the past year.
Number One is a good looking job. It goes not only to the big Pacific organizatio-n, but- likewisJ to a large selected mailing list of friends and customers. The first editorial announces that in its columns employes, distributors, architects, builders, dealers, and manufacturers will be heard from.
Of interest in the first issue is a brief sketch of A. E. "Ed." Nicholson, General Manager, together with the latest and best photo of the subject. There is a door article Ly J"* Brodie, a talk on "Good Will" by Sales Manager E. J. Thompson, a talk on safety in caring for wounds-of employes written by the chief surgeon of the company, and a lot of well edited and illustrated miscellaneous ltufr that Iooks and reads interestingly. The outside back cover bears a photo of the home of Miss Delores Del Rio, in Hollywood, sash, doors, and trim by Pacific.
Following nunnbers will be received with interest.
the year are as follorve: Production, 118941689 M feet; Shipments, 2rO2O,228 M f€ct;Orders 2,O3Or228 M feet.
The California market experienced the urual reaaonel let-up in denand during the nonth of July. Augurt ir unr ally e good raontt for the wholenle trade and they expect that conditionr will bG norrnal again ddring the early part of the montt. Priccr are firm and have rhown no change drring thc lart trpo wcekr.
Douglu fir cargo ir a little rbongcr -\+ two wcc&r 9g9' duc to thc fect that thcre ir vcry littla lumbcr at thc nillr for ralc. Owing to thc dificulty in getting lunbcr reveral additional hmbcr vcrcilr havc bccn leid up; thrc 11c now 34 vcrclr laid up rnd dr erc opcrating ofr rhorc- Thc anount of rnrold lunbcr on tfic public dockr at Sen Pcdro har bccn dccrancd durhg thc part tcn dryr. Curtailncnt at thc millr b hokling 6rnly and priccr at the millr arc vcry 6nn
ThG thingtc end leth narLctr contbuc rtroqg and priccl arc 6ru.
Thcrc ir a good dcnand for Californh yrhitc and ruger pinc. Thc dcmrnd for thc uppcr gnder end box lumbcr h' 6o..r.a. Priccr erc 6ru. Redwood priccl continuc firb with thd dcrnend holding up wcIL
San Antonio l;umber
,r Merchants Visit California
G. E. Meliff and W'. W. Grosser, leading retail lumber merchants of the state of Texas, and hailing from San Antonio, were recent visitors in California. Mr. Meliff is President and Mr. Grosser one of the yard managers for The Building Materials Company, of that city, the largest local retail lumber business in Texas. This concern operates five big yards in San Antonio, and are famous for their merchandising methods. The two gentlemen came to look over the lumber business oJ California, hunting ideas for their own business. Mr. Meliff is not only a famous lumber merchant but a notable lumber speaker, and has talked merchandising to lumber dealers in many parts of the United States. He is an ex-president of The Lumbermen's Association of Texas.
They visited the Hammond yards at Los Angeles and San Pedro, and the mills of the Pacific Lumber Company, at Scotia, before proceeding to the Pacific Northwest to see the Fir district.
M. R. Gill, Los Angeles, salesman for the Union Lumber Company, Redryood Maufacturers, recently spent a two weeks' vacation at San Francisco, which is Mr. Gill's formef home.