3 minute read
Millwork Institute of California
(Continued from Page 14) on all sales over and above his past average percegrtage; the payments into the general fund to be divided among such of the other dealerJwho on account of less fortunate conditions have failed to secure their average proportion of the business; that each dealer can sell at any prlce he pleases, wherever and to whomsoever he pleases without restriction.
In bringing the Conference to a close, President Gaetjen thanked the-trade journals for their cooperation, the arrangement committee and Alexandria Flotel for the many couitesies extended to the members and the speakers that addressed the conference.
San Francisco was chosen as the meeting place for the next Conference which will be held in November. A telegram from Geo. W. Peltier, President of the Sacramento ehamber of Commerce, and H. C. Bottorff, City Manager, inviting the Institute to hold their next meeting at Sacra-
Friday Evening
On Friday evening, there was a stag party at the Oak Tavern which was largely attended. During the dinner hour music and an excellent entertainment program was enjoyed. mento was read by Managing Director Didesch.
Saturday Morning
Delegates Visit Pacific Door & Sash Company's Mill
One of the interesting features of the Convention was the personally conducted tour of "Tat" Nicholson to the Pacific Door and Sash Company's Mill at Burbank, Cal.
The group was taken through the plant by "Tat" Nicholson anil Joe Nicholson, lumber superintendent of the mill, who explained the various machines and their uses. The visitors saw the planing machines in operation, the dry kilns, the sawdust bins, the detail door department and the many other interesting departments of the plant.
The trip was not only very entertaining, but was also educational and was greatly appreciated by the visiting nnillmen.
The registration was- as follows : fohn. Easton Brown-Weetcrn Woodworker, Los rdngclee. b. Oow"i"g-Sudden Lbr. Q9., San Francisc-o.
I{. T. Diderch-M. f. C., Loe- Angeles.
H. V. Nunneley-E. K. Wood Lbr. Co., Los Angeles.
R. C. ThompeorrThe Timbcrman, San Francisco.
J. E. Martin--The Californira Lumbcr Merchant, Loc Angeles.
J. F, Truycns-The California Lrirnber Merchant, Los Angelcs.
J. Wceley ShrimrCreemcr Mfg. Co.' Riverside.
Rdph J. Button-Button & Manning, San Francisco.
J. e.'Mclntosh-Jlcc$ic Planing Mill, Stockton.
Witliem T. Lloyil-Dudficld Lbr. Co, Pdo Alto.
C. Benj. Betis-M. I. C., L. d. Branch, Los Angeles. -
Kenneih Smith-L. A. Lbr. Dealers Ass'n, Los Angeles.
A. f. Todhunter-Hammond Lbr. Co., Los Angeles.
W.-F. Hayward-Pacific Mfg. Co., Los Angeles.
Ben H. Hiyes-Consolidated -Lbr. Go., Los- Angeles.- f. Smith-Hammond Lbr. Co., Los Angeles. i,. ff. Wan-Consolidated Lbr. Co., Los Angeles. kenneth R. Walker-The Red River Lbr, Co., Westwood.
Otenn O. Eogleman-The California Door -Co., Los Angeles.
R. H. Stephi-nson-Arroyo ltii[ Co., Pasadena.
C. A. Weaver-Construction Supply Co' Los Angeles.
O. H. Maatsch-Secretary Glendale Materialmen's Ass'n., Glendale'
I. A. Edccomb-Edccomb Sish & Door Co., Pasadena.
-Ctris. p.-ttlapel-Paiific Dooi & Sash Co., Los A-'ngeles.
C. L. Miller-Pacific Door & Sash Co., Los Angeles.
E. W. King-King Lbr. Co., Bakersfield.
Cvril E. Irvins-ehas. R. McCormick Co., San Diego.
Gio. T. Gerke-ns-Tilden Lbr. & Mill Co., San Francisco. Orrin Wright-So. Calif. Hid. Mfg. Co.,,Los Angeles.
W. A. Sampson-Hipolito Co., Los Angeles.
Leslie T. Lynch-The L. W. Blinn Lbr. Co., Los Angeles.
L. V. Graham-Chicago Lbr. Co., Oakland.
C. E. Reinhart-Reinhlrt Lbr. & Planins Mill, San Francisco.
Lathrop K. Leishman-CrowJr City Mfe. Co., Pasadena
Drury N. Faulk-Redwood Manufucturers Co, Los Angeles.
Juliui Krauss-Redsood Ma3rufacturers Co., Los Angeles.
L. M. Rosenberg-Hipotto -Co., Los Angeles.
L. B. Rainforth-Hipolito C9., Oakland.
A. J. McAdams-Ilnion Mill & Lb1. Co., Santa Barbara.
Heriry Harder-Harder Planing Mill, S1n -Francisco.
Fran[ Portman-Portman's Plining Milt San Francisco.
K. Teketi-Pacific Mill & Cabinet Co., San Francisco.
W. G. Littlc-Union Planins Mill, Stockton t. J. Nutting-Herring & Nritting-San Francisco. lllbin WardceWarden Bros., San Francisco.
Guy Wayne-Wayne Millwoik & Lbr. C9" Sqn Francisco.
W- Goddard-Millwork Institute of San Francieco.
W. Goddard-Millwork fnstitute of San Francisco.
T. O. H. Herzog-Americar Mfg. & Salee Corp., Los An8eles.
Fred S. Spenccr, Eure.ka Sash, Door & Moulding MillB, S. F.
J. A. Hart-J. A. Hart MiU & Lbr. Co., Salr Francisco.
J. O'Brien-Buildcrr Supply Dcpog San Francirco.
G. F. Wagncr-Erikson-Wagqcr, San Francisco.
Chas. Monson-Acme Planing Mill, San Francirco.
Robcrt R. Leishman-RedwooA Mfgrs. Co., Pittcburgtt' Cd.
Lt. Sidney F. Wharton-Ehger Andersoq Fort l-ewis, Wash.
Wm. C. ilhf+Gordon Sash- & Door Co., Loc Angeles.
A. W. Kochf-John W. Koetrl & Sorq Inc., Los Angeles.
Tom R. Merrell:Tom Merrell Cash & Door Co., Long Bcach.
H. t. Anderson-Anderson Qros. Planing Mill. San Francisco.
J. M. Van Gundy, Chicago Lbr. Co., Oakland.
C. G. ChipchasFFriend Tc-rry Lbr. Co.. Sacramento.
A. W. Bertrhauer-Fregno Planing Mill Co., Frecno.
H. W; GactjcreEmpire Plani4g MilI, San Francisco.
E. A. Nicholron-Pacific Door & Sash Co., Loe Angeles.
(Continued on Page 50)