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Chas. R. McCormick Lbr. Co. Adds Pine Department at Portland
The Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Company, Portland, Ore,, have added a Pine department to their business, and have retained the services of I. R. Crew, formerly sales manager of the Baker White Pine Lumber Co., Baker, Oregon, who is in charge of this department under the direction of Mark D. Campbell, general sales manager of the rail department.
In speaking of this innovation Mr. Campbell told a representative of this paper that the object of the new department is to offer a further service to the company's sales connections in all parts of the country, covering Pondos,a, Idaho and California White Pine. The Pine department, he said, although only established in April had already attained a good volume of business, and is developing rap- idly.
C. '\ry'. Buckner Will Manage Research and Sales Bxtension Bureau for Three Industries.
Announcement was recently made of the appointment of C. W. Buckner as manager of the Research and Sales Extension Bureau of the Harbor Plywood Company, Durable Door Company and Knox & Tombs, of Hoquiam, \Mash., by A. R. Wuest, vice-president and manager of the Harbor Plywood Co., and by E. W. Daniels, manager of the two last named concerns.
Mr. Buckner has been in the lumber business all his life and knows the needs of the industry as well as any man in the country. He entered the lumber business in the South with the Missouri Lumber Corporation at Kansas City, and came to the Pacific Coast 22 years ago. During the' war he was with the Imperial Munitions Board of Canada in the aircraft supplies department, being stationed at Vancouver and Victoria.
For the last four years he has been manager of the sash, door and panel department of the Morrill & Sturgeon Lumber Company, Portland, Ore. and for three years prior to that was president and manager of the Buckner-French Lumber Company of Portland.
In his new capacity Mr. Buckner will head the sales and research division of the three Hoquiam concerns in an aggtessive campaign of sales extension and development of new lines for expanding their business as well as enlarging their territory.