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Salvagin$ Construction Industry
(Continued from Page 4l) work was carried on, but at ea-qh meeting it was noted that the influential men who are members of the various Associations failed to attend or take any part in the 4ctivities. It was not long before the managers and the secretaries of the Associations were the only ones who could be counted upon. \9t only this, but due to the fact that they felt their interests were b-eing trampled upon by one of the members, the Surety Associati_on resigned. Then later the American Institute of Architects decided that they could not continue farther with the work and withdr-e,w their support.
The work continued on for another six months and then it was decided to temporarily disconti-nue meetings until such a time as more iaterest could be develop_e{. But before doing so, a pamphlet was printed called "Outlines of Desirable Procedure."
The successes, if any, of the Council were due to the fact that there were about fifteen men. r4l1o were sincere and willing to work. The failures, and I personally c-onsider the Council a temporary failure, regardless of what we havq accomplished, is due to the fact that the men of the Industry who are today complaining and rubbing their hands in nervous anxiety, were not willing to f,elp make it a 9tf!c€ss. There is no question in my mind that it has great possibilities and it is a movement of the greatest importance, but the difficulty is in getting the Industry behind it.
The Millwork Institute is -hqtiing their meetings for the purpose of helping themselves, which ii -their right, and tEese meetings -will
D. H. Doud, Sales Manager of the Defiance Lumber Company, Tacoma, Washington, was in Los Angeles reggntly calling on the trade and renewing old friendships. Mr. Doud makes such trips several times during the yelr.
Walter P. Sexton, Superintendent of the Long-Bell plant at Weed, California, was in Los Angeles for a few days last month calling on the trade.
nq doubt be instrumental in p_roducing beneficial results insofar as the inner relations of the Institgte are concerned. But, Gentlemen, your meetings will never do ong bit of gooil towards remedying the major evils which are crushing us today until you stand up and say we are not going to have our Association join a movement with other organizations to better conditions. but our individual members will give their time and money io carry on. We are all wondering wh?t we are coming to, but l-rgw many of you Gentlemen are so serious that you will buckle d-qwn so that all may know you are sincere.
After- my- experience with the Construction Council, I today challenge th_e sincerity of the Inddqtry of wanting to change thi practices and principles now being uged-and I wilf continuelo chalienge it.until I see the large men of t!r_e Industry taking ofi their coats aid with a look of determination, g9r to work. I want to go on record with the statement that until such a time arrives, you ian have association-.meeting.s. until -l'ou _af:e worn out, and the same practices and conditions will be stitl be gith us. Don't misunderstand, I believe in Associations, and I a!s-o believe that they are doing good work within themselves, but they are not doing ill they coild do, and -it is impossible_for them tg do anything for the Industry as i whole or to rid the,Industry of the things that we are talking-about today, until they join forces lvith othei Associations in a ioncentrated movement.
Charles S. Keith, president of the Central Coal & Coke Company, arrived at Portland, Ore., July 17, for a month,s stay- on the Coast. Mr. Keith is accompanied by Mrs. Keith.
Bill Glenn Is Back On Job
_ W.. A. _Glenn, assistant sales manager of the Coos Bay Lumber Co., in charge of the San Francisco office, has jujt returned from a two weeks' vacation.
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It consists of re-roofing, remodeling and insulation folders, interesting and informative foldwcll letters caffying data of interest to home-builders; ideas for pcople who are considering re.styling or cnlarging thc old homc; complete and dctailcd information on re-roofing over old shingles with EDG!7OOD. Shingles. This literature is supplied imprinted with the lumbcr dealer's firm name. ft enables the lpcal d e a I e r to identify himself with our national advcrtising as the local distributor of EDGEWOOD Shinglcs. Write for Samplc Campaign.