1 minute read
McGormiclc lumber servlee ls as complete as we Gan rnake Ttooo
Tfn4nfn froar our own vast holdings, logged in our own c:rmps, fut in our own mills, shipped on our ofvn coastal and inter-coasal vessels. Ev0ry step is McCormick controlled. Tlhat's why McCormick lumber stands for dependable qudity, grades and deliveries.- And has for more than a quafter century.
Moreover, during the past two years, McCormick has spent more than a million dollars in improving these facilities.
In addition, our rail department is equipped to give fast service on ordens for California and Arizona points.
Yotr can profit by McCormick's complete service. It meets every regular and rpoi"l requirement you may have for West C,oast woods. I.et our rePresentative quote you on straight or mixed cans. Or ask the neanest McCormick sal6 ofrce.