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Millwork Institute of California Meet At Los Angeles
The Tri-Annual Conference of the Millwork Institute of California was held at the Alexandria Hotel, Los Angeles, on Thursday and Friday, July 19 and, ZO. The Confeience was largely attended, there being present Institute members from all sections of the state-. -
Many important problems of the industry were discussed during the Conference, including, Plant and Products Certification, Activities of Local Groups, "Empty List',, Schedule No. 128, Mitl Cost SchedulCs, Trade- Practices, Cooperation and Association Activities and Trade Extensron.
San Francisco was chosen as the next meeting place, the next Conference to be held in November. The-Los Angeles committee had charge of the social and entertainment features and arranged for a splendid program. On Thursday evening, there was an informal banquet, dinner dance a profit is bound to give each of you a profit, provided you conduct yotrr business as efificiently as he does, which to me is a natural result of attending the Institute meeting.
"9po., consultation, our Minaging Director did not go to Chicago; we felt that his presence was needed here at home; to visit our members throughout the State and you will hear later of his visits and their results.
"I. being unable to go to Chicago, Mr. J. E. Kennedy of the Pacific Manufacturing Company and Mr. A. E. Nicholson of the Pacific Door and Sash Company represented the Millwork Institute of California at the Federal Trade Conference, and we can be proud of their work. They will make their report later.
"Our Sash and Door Schedule No. 128 has attracted national attention and it will be a money-maker for you, if you will use it.
Among Those Present
and entertainment. On Friday evening, there was a stag party at the Oak Tavern. Saturday molning, an inspectioi trip was qq{g bf a golp of the delegates-lo the mitt op- erations of The Pacific Door & Sash Co. plant at Burbank, while in the afternoon many of the delegates participated in golf'
^-----,- .. fhursday Morning
_ The meeting was called to order -by President H. W. Gaetjen who addressed the Conference-as follows:
-"lt i! _1gain my privilege to welcome you to this meeting of the Millwork Institute of California and to those of vou who are here for the first time I want you to feel at home and to take part in all of our discussion.
"To see so marry Millmen gathered together signifies that we have mutual problems that we want to talli about. I think we.can thank our Institute that the Mill business is in 3s good !!ape as it is, because all reports show at least ltO/:_gf th-e Nation's Corporations,haVC lost money in:'1977.
"The Mill business, as a whole, was no exceptign but it might have been worse for us in this sectibn had'it not been f-er the Co-operation that has grown out of the Institute; bdcause every act'of Co-operation',:that gives one' Millman
"The program of this meeting is one of merit and I trust you will attend all sessions, and express your views on the subjects as they are brought up.
"Once again I want to emphasize the fact that this is your Institute and without the Co-operation of each and every one of us nothing can be accomplished.
- "Our Managing Director has a program which I think is for the benefit of us all, but it will take additional money to put it across and it is up to you to endorse or to reject it; but I do hope that you will take our work sdriously and while you may not think that the Institute has done all it shoulcl, still I feel that you'are being well repaid for your attendance and financial support."
As best expressed t"J[""X":t:tt:of Emerson:-
"Help one'another," the snowflakes said, As they'nestled down; 'in their fleecy bed; .i One of us here would not be felt o;; ;i "" ii"'. *oura q"i"liy-;;rt;
' But I'll help yoti, and you help me, And then, what a big white drift we'll be.',
(Continued on Page 10) 'i