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FredericS.PalmerwithMadera Coast Counties Club Elects Sugar Pine Co. Officers.
Frederic S. Palmer, prominent San Francisco lumberman, is now associated with the Madera Sugar Pine Co. of Madera, California. Mr. Palmer has been connected with the sugar pine industry for many years and is well known in lurnber circles throughout the country. He has operated a wholesale lumber business of his own for many years, specializing in sugar pine, with headquarters in San Francisco. At the present time he is in the east where he is calling on the eastern trade. On his return to the Pacific Coast, he will continue to make his headquarters in San Francisco with offices in the Ross Building.
The Madera Sugar Pine Co., pioneer manufacturers of California sugar pine, are the producers and distributors of the famous Madera air dried, water cured sugar pine.
Will Address Savings and Loan Conference
Monroe Butler, director of public relations for the Pacific Coast Building-I-oan Association of Los Angeles, will deliver an address before the Pacific States Savings and Loan Conference which convenes at Aberdeen,. Wash., August 9, on the general subject of advertising, publicity and public relations. He will also speak before the $oquiatrn, Wash., Chamber of Commerce and the Kiwanis Club of iAberdeen. Enroute to Aberdeen he will attend the OregontBuitdiirgLoan League convention at Portland, August 3 pnd 4.
Jack Norton of the Norton-Phelps Lumber Co., Santa Cruz, has been elected President of the Coast Counties Ijumbermen's Club. C. H. Griffin, Jr', of the Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co., Santa Cruz, was elected Secretary and Oscdr Chase of the Chase Lumber Co', Pacific Grove, elected Treasurer. Messrs. Enlow, Chase, McGinnis, Johnson and Maddocks are the directors of the club.
Ed. Houg,hton With B. C. Miller Cedar Lbr. Co.
Ed. Houghton, Los Angeles, is now representing the EC. Miller Cedar Lumber Co. of Aberdeen, Washington, through the offices of the S. E. Slade Lumber Co-, their Southern California representatives. His work will be confined to the exploitation of Western red cedar in the Southern California territory, specializing in shingles and the lower grades of lumber.
He has just returned from a two weeks' trip-to Aberde-en, Wash., wLere he inspected the E. C. Miller Cedar Lumber Co. miil operations and conferred with officials of the comDany. White in Portland, he visited with his son Donald iot -" few days, who drove down from the McCormick mill at Port Gamble, Wash. Mr. Houghton.has been conne,cted with the lumber business in Southern California {or a long period and formerly was with the ehas. R. McCormick Lumber Co.
For rplitting columna, add to the price of full dolumns ., ,75c'
Loa Angilea .... .. ?7" of Loc Angeles, add for cartage and crating, pcr column. ' ' ' ' " ')uc