3 minute read
Millwork Institute of California
(Continued from Page 10) methods of competition and these resolutions, now having the approval of the Federal Trade Commission, are the law of the industry, and as such will be enforced by the Commission. Our delegates will report full details and make recommendations for your consideration at this afternoon's session. month budget, which would give assurance of carrying out the following activities in he-man style:
"The San Jose Conference instructed me to contact with the Cabinet and Store Fixture Manufacturers Associations as to the feasibility and desirability of cooperating with them in matters of common interest, and if feasible, their affiliation with the Institute through a Cabinet and Store Fixture Division. The approach has been made and possible program outlined. I can report that both the Northern and Southern Cabinet and Fixture people are interested in the idea. Representatives from the Southern group will sit in with us and will, I am sure be pleased to discuss the subject with us. My own recommendation is that actual affiliation if decided upon, be deferred until a definite working plan can be devised, which at the earliest time would not be before our November Annual.
"This body went on record at San Tose in favor of Plant Certification. A .ommittee was appointed to prepare a final and complete plan for submission to the Board of Directors meeting and passage along to the general meeting.
1. Contact-involving organization field work and cooperative reciprocity with sources of supply.
2. Standard Millwork Schedules.
3. Product Certification.
4. Manual of Millwork.
5. Design Book and Trade Promotion Material.
6. Cabinet & Store Fixture Division.
7. Coordination of State Millwork and Lumber bodies.
"There should be a free discussion of this program at today's and tomorrow's sessions. Your Board has already devoted an entire day to consideration of just what we are to concentrate on and expand into, but before their final report is given to you, invites you to express your ideas and advice."
This was followed by the report of Treasurer A. E. Nicholson.
The report of the Plant and Products Certification Committee was made bv A. W. Bernhauer, chairman of the committee appointed at the San Jose Conference last March to prepare a draft for Plant Certification. Copies of the Plant Certification draft were distributed among'the members. Managing Director H. T. Didesch read the Plant
Among Those Present
K. Leishmon A. W. Koehl Elmt
The Committee has given the subject careful thought including an entire day's conference at Oakland which I attended. Their work has now had the benefit of Board action and will be presented in full to you by Chairman Bernhauer of the Committee. The set up as it now stands is ready for passage and can actually be in force even before our November annual. It is a remarkable accomplishment and one that will tie the Institute together with a tie that binds. It will also, if adopted, make the Institute the first millwork organization in America, to actually and definitely guarantee the products of its members. Aside from its own undeniable merits, it offers you also the oppoftunity to make millwork history and to further enrich the leadership of your Institute.
"The one and only other work set up by our last Conference, which still remains to be reported on is the matter of Standard Millwork Schedules. The State Committee has not been called together, and action in the form of completed schedules must be the business of the next four months.
With the denuded office staff and restricted budget of $1,000.00 the month on which the Institute is operating, not all things that should be done can be engaged in simultaneously. At yesterday's Board meeting I submitted the proposal that we expand our program to a $250O.0O the
Certification draft which included the Procedure Governing Certification, Application for Certification, License of Manufacturer of "Architectural Woodwork" and Architectural Woodwork Certificate. Mr. Didesch said that the Plant Certification plan would be put in operation in sixty days and would react to the benefit of everyone in the industry. Discussion on the subject was left until the afternoon session.
Thursday Afterngon
President Gaetjen called the meeting to order.
A. E. Nicholson reported the proceedings of the Trade Practice Conference which was presided over by the Federal Trade Commission at Chicago on last May 14 and 15. J. C. Kennedy and I\[r. Nicholson represented the Institute at this Conference. Mr. Nicholson said that the Conference was largely attended, 250 being present, the meeting was a success and the industry is now on the threshold oI a better understanding and better times. l{e read the eighteen Tiade Practices that were set up by the Conference and which have been approved by the Federal Trade Commission. Stabilizing trade practices is a very fine thing, stated Mr. Nicholson, and will have a salutary effect on the industry.
(Continued on Page 14)
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