4 minute read
Millwork Institute of California
(Continued from Page 12)
Kenneth Smith, Secretary of the Lumber Dealers Association of Los Angeles, was the next speaker. His subject was "Excess Capacity and Stability." Mr. Smith's address appears in full in this issue.
"The Old and the New" was the subject discussed by Jack Dionne, Publisher of The California Lumber Merchant. Mr. Dionne's address appears elsewhere in this issue,
The last business of the afternoon session was a discussion of the Plant and Products Certification Plan in which several members participated, after which the plan was unanimously adopted.
Telegrams were read from J. C. Kennedn Geo. Cornwall and T, J. Bridgeport who were unable to attend the ConIerence.
Thursday Evening
The banquet was held in the Ball Room of the Alexandria Hotel at 7:00 P.M. W. L. Leishman acted as master of ceremonies. Les Henry, Blyth-Witter & Co., was the speaker of the evening and gave an excellent address on
At the conclusion of Mr. Maule's address, A. E. Nichol' son made a motion that was unanimously adopted that Mr. Maule's address be printed in pamphlet form by the Institute and distributed to the millwork industry throughout the country.
H. P. Dixon, President, American Manufacturing & Sales Corp., Los Angeles, was the closing speaker of the morning session. His subject was "The Effect of Association Work on the Selling Price." Mr. Dixon said that Association work had a great effect on the selling price as the big problem is getting together with your competitor. He also discussed bid registration. He stated that the idea he wanted to leave is that all bids should be recorded, that registration should be open not only to members but to any interested parties under the proper safeguards.
Friday Afternoon
President Gaetjen called the meeting to order.
Wm. Simpson,'Wm. Simpson Construction Co., Los Angeles, addressed the Conference on the subject "Salvaging Construction Industry." Mr. Simpson's address appears in full in this issue.
President Gaetjen then called on M. J. Doyle, attorney for the San Francisco Branch. !4r. Doyle gave an excellent talk on the benefits derived through cooperation and associations. He urged closer cooperation with competitors, the elimination of bid peddling and the organization of strong local groups.
Managing Director H. T. Didesch led the discussion on Trade Extension, stating that with the adoption of Plant and Products Certification now was an excellent opportunity to introduce the products of the Millwork Institute and recommended that the Institute carry an advertisement in the new Plan Book of the Lumbermen's Service Association. Floyd Dernier, Lumbermen's Service Association, Los Angeles, described in detail his new Plan Book, the twenty-second edition, and also stated that his Plan Service is carried by practically all the retail lumber dealers of the state who use this service as an outside medium to attract business.
"Tat" Nicholson C. B, Bemis busingss and financial conditions in the country. Mr. Leishman also called on President H. W. Gaetjen for a few remarks. During the din'ner hour there were sev€ral excellent entertainment numbers.
One of the interesting features of the program was the moving pictures showed by Kenneth Walker, Red River Lumber Co.,'Westwood, California, on "Hunting Big Game in Africa." The pictures were taken by Mr. Walker and his brother, Fletcher L. Walker, Jr., during their recent hunting expedition in Africa. During the pictures, Mr. Walker explained in detail many of the scenes shown on the screen, also he described many interesting incidents regard- ing the customs of the various tribes of African natives with whom they came in contact.
Following the moving pictures, dancing was enjoyed until midnight.
Friday Morning
President Gaetjen called the meeting to order.
The first order of business was the Report of the Local Groups. Will Goddard, San Francisco; Kenneth Smith, Los Angeles and O. W. Hamilton, San Diego, discussed the activities of the local organizations in their districts. Managing Director H. T. Didesch reported on the activities of the Sacramento and Stockton branches.
This was followed by an address, "Millwork Cost Schedules," by E R. Maule, Manager, Millwork Survey Service, Los Angeles. Mr. Maule's address appears in full in this rssue.
The report of the Board of Directors who met on Wednesday, July 18, was made by A. W. Bernhauer. Mr. Bernhauer stated that half of the day was devoted to the Plant and Products Certification Plan and a discussion of the activities of the Institute. He advised that the "Empty List" had been construed to be a part of Schedule 128: one copy of the "Empty List" is available to each member, extra copies to be charged for at a cost of 25c each. The Certification Committee has been retained to set up the standards of manufacture of products and he urged all the members to get behind the plan. The working out of plans for affiliation with the cabinet makers was referred to two committees, one in San Francisco and the other in Los Angeles.
L. V. Graham, Chicago Lumber Co. of Wash., Oakland, was called on to tell the members about his Allotment Plan for retail lumber dealers. In explaining the plan, Mr. Graham stated that the plan has been demonstrated to be entirely workable, it is entirely legal and in effect this plan makes it more profitable to pass up a sale than to make the same at less than lo/o net profit on the selling price. The plan specifies that there are no fixed prices and no curtailment of the aggregate sales for the purpose of deriving the public of an adequate supply at reasonable prices. The plan also provides for each retailer a moderate, reasonable and legitimate profit on his sales and protects him in secgring a fair and equitable proportion of the business in his community. Other points that he brought out was that the plan provides for the payment into a general fund,lA/o
(Continued on Page,16)
McCloud's present timber lands insure a source of supply of Quality California White and Sugar Pine for at least twenty-five years to come. (At current rate of production and not considering reforestation,)

V. G. KAFIMAD{' Salec Mgr.
L. S. TURNBULL' Asr't Sales Mgr.