2 minute read
Discuss Home Modernizing N, L. M. A. Issue Useful Book It Ivlovement on "fnformation on Lumber
_ Mrs. J. E. Fraser, Secretary of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, stat-es that the HOME MODERNIZING MOVEMENT is gaining quite an impetus in California. A group of men interested in the Buiiding Industry met at the Oakland Hotel, on July 23 and dis-cussed the feasibility of establishing a Home Modernizing Bureau in the Easi Bay Section." Mr. J. E. Neighboi Treasurer of the California Retail Lumbermen's Ass'i, was the chairman, and later turned the meeting over to A. C. lforner, 'Western Division Manager of the-National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, which organization has a membership in the National Home Modernizing Bureau. Jhgre were present at the meeting representatiies of the Building Materials Association, the Built-In-Fixture Company, Pacific Gas & Electric Company, Great Western Power Company, Master Plumbers Asiociation, Building & Loan League of California, Electrical Contractors As-sociation, Lumber Manufacturers Association and the California Retail Lumbermen's Association. It was decided !y thjs group that it would greatly benefit the East Bay District to carry on a HomeVodernizing Campaigrr, rni it was decided to hold another meeting 1n August, after the wacation period was over when plani for a definite organization will be made to carry forward such a movement. Winfield Scott of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association was appointed a Committee of One to get together all interested parties and call the next meeting.
_ 09 J{y .30, representatives of the Building Industries, Banks, Building & Loan, Insurance, and other groups interested in the lfome Modernizing Campaign will miet at San Francisco.
and Where to Find It"
One of the most useful booklets ever issued bv The National Lumber Manufactuiers' Association, Washing- ton, D. C., is hot bff the press, and will be of use to lumber users, dealers, and manufacturers the lvorld over, because it is probably the first thing of its kind ever issued. Frequently a lumberman or a lumber user says, "I wonder whero I can get certain information about iumber or forest products." With this little book on file he ceases to wonder. It tells him all about it. This book lists about 300 publications covering every phase of lumber production and uses. The new book can be had by writing The National.
Grenfell Lumber Co. Awarded First Prize.
t/! The Grenfell Lumber Co., Colusa, was awarded the first priz_e for entering the most attractive float in the parade at Colusa on July 4. The float showed a miniature pine forest and sawmill scene on one end and a miniature modern home on the other end-the title of the float was "From Forest to }fome !" The city offered $25.00 to the merchant entering the best float but owing tb the origin- ality and attractiveness of the Grenfell Lumber Co. entry, a larger purse was awarded to this progressive lumber concern.
The Grenfell Lumber Co. operate yards at Princeton, Grimes, Butte City and Colusa.
New roofs for old, pleasing beauty for unsightli. ness, security against the ravages of time... all this in favor of laying a Weaver roof over the old. There is very little sales resistance today when beauty is being sold, for we are doing business in the"BeautyAge"...colorhas invaded the field of necessitiel, and as such, roofs of enduring beauty are in demand... awaiting only to be sold to the discerning home. owner. Progressive dealers are realiz. ing greater volume and profits by selling "new roofs for old" to this profitable market.
Wtite w fu awiloblz frcrchisu ani! inlf,rmation corcating ahe c@furqtion and suie rynilaeilWuxr.Hary ilulas. Ot beaad still, Iet w wd you the rume ol a wtbyWaoerHarX ilala. We arc confrilqt his siru witt be intqqaing to Jou.
ff u.io"" doors are now being manufactured of'll lf Philippine Hardwood as well as of Douglas Fir fl
More tban a brndred bomet in the Persbing Heishtr til-diuision, Cbeynne, Vyming areiqilirted ttitb Laminei doors one htandted tei ciit, Nou. rcad uhat the milla,ord ' deater thinh ebott it,