1 minute read
The doors in these homes are LOO% Laminex
-fo, lou / / / ntore money uitb less sales effort
R-" what M. A. Disbrow & Co,, millwork dealers, write us from their Cheyenne, Wyoming, ofEce3
"!?e are having our photographer send you a set of four picrures shoylqS a. few of thehomes in PErshini Hei;hti sub-diviiion. There are 85 homes of thii character comoleted at this timE ( Iuli. tgzl\. and probablv 2) or )o more under construcion.
'\tre?eel very proud, indeed, to be able to tell ybu that all of these homes will use 'Lamioer' d6ors one hundred per cent.
"It has corten to the point now. where laminex doors sell themselves and we do not hesitate to say thai attyone contemplating handling the West Coast door, could rrot go wrong in buying'Laminex'," x--- ---- -------i rrrr vrrEEr.xR, oscooD coMPANf, Trcome, Verhinston
Laminer( dealers have so many profitable repeat orders from satisfred customers because moisture cannot rnake a Lairinex door'warp, split or come aPaft. Progressive distributors can supply you with genuine Laminex door-s in popular de-igns. Ifyou have trouble obtaining them, write us. For yoru own protection, insist on doors that bear the yellow replacement guarantee label and the name "LlvrNrx."
It,ull lay y_ot t9 cond1u tba 14m0re l4mtnax c00l to.Iina tcrt lbat rctail dcaltri maAc ltblicb is all rartt of tbi cotut t to Iwt tbal dam2ncstuill aec 842a a LaBtttx hor uzrb, srlit or conc atdt, Sgintilc corttilction .td lamifix uah"lmol ccmcnrlza tswcahd - imtlare rctonibh.
E. R. Maule