1 minute read
Stucco Walls That Are Waterproof Clear Through
It is not enough to put a thin coating of waterproof material on the OUTSIDE of a stucco rvall If such a wall is porous on the TNSIDE it will suck up moisture from the ground, iust as a lamp wich sucks up oil.
This can never happen when the stucco is made with Monolith Plastic Waterproof Portland Cement. Monolith walls are watetproof CLEAR THROUGH.
Monolith walls not only keep out water but are highly resistant to oils, acids, alkalie and other corrosive liquids. You can sell Monolith Plastic Waterproof Po*Iand Cement for all purposes where unusual shength and freedom from absorption are required.
And it is easy to sell because it is so rvidely lmown--aurong builders and the general public-as being a material unequalled in its field!
In the old days women
Nowdays they wear plain more.