1 minute read
By Jach, Dionne
Age not guaranteed-Some I have told for 20'years-Some le$l
Just a Matter of Comparison
It was in a little Alabama town not far from the big city of Birmingham, and the Preacher had taken for his text this Suqday, "Ilell." He almost drove his congregation frantic with the threats of eternal damnation he held over them, quoting and misquoting freely from Holy Writ to prove that back-sliders and sinners had a ,long, long trip ahead of them after death. Then he turned to a description of the infernal regions, and pictured them as only a colored preacher can. But it remained for him to illustrate just what an objectionable place Hell is. He said:
George Kewin And Roy Bleecker Visit British Columbia
George Kewin, United Lumber Yards, Modesto, returned recently from a vacation trip to the Northwest. While in Oregon he visited the mills of the Eagle Lumber Company, Westimber. He also accompanied Roy Bleecker, California representative of the Eagle Lumber Co. on an automobile trip to Vancouver, B. C.
"Bredern an' sistern, youall been to Burningham an' seen dem steel foundries.aint ye?"
-From all parts of the church came the nods and anse\rers in affirmation.
"'An' youall done seen dat white hot iron runnin' like wateh outeh dat big pot, aint ye?"
Again came the afErmation.
"Well" bredern an' sistern," said he with great impressiveness, "In Hell dat stuff's ice cream soda."
The H. V. Cowan Company, Los Angeles, who are manufacturers of standard built-in furniture and equipment, have opened an office in the Architects Building, for the convenience of their salesmen. Mr. O. V. Pratt will be 1ocated in the new office and Mr. Cowan will remain in the office of their yard at 1958 East 64th St.