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25,048 Contractors Now Op.rating in California
Sacramento, July 27.-Business in the construction industry in California is on the upgrade, and an average of one contractor sprang into business every two hours during the past four months.
And it required one contractor to perform the building needs of each 226 persons in California, according to a report filed with Governor James Rolph, Jr., today by Colonel Carlos W. Huntington, State Registrar of Contractors.
Col. Huntington disclosed that 25,O48 contractors are now operating in California, an increase of 1,625 over March 1, or an increase of one every 1@ minutes.
While pointing out that the increase in licensees during the four month period was a "true barometer of improved economic conditions," Col. Huntington admonished the State's building fraternity that they must apply for the new fiscal year licenses before next Saturday, July 30, if they wish to remain in business or wish to escape a $10.00 delinquency fee in addition to the $10.0O license fee. The fee must ac,company the application.
"The steady increase in the number of contractors in the four month period is indeed a healthy sign, and again points to an improved economic situation in the Golden State," said Col. Huntington, who is also Director of the State Department of Professional and Vocational Standards.
"Business in the construction industry has shown an improved tone. It is the second largest business in the State, and I trust that other industries and businesses will also follow in the general recovery."
"It would appear that business in the industry must have improved, otherwise these 1,625 men would not have obtained a license in the past four months," he said.
A summary of the number of licensed contractors in each county on March I and June 30, together with the net gain in the four month period, follows:
Purchases Yard At Santa Barbara
The Santa Barbara Lumber & Mill Co., Santa Barbara, Calif.. has been sold to Glen Nlarchbanks. Mr. Marchbanks has been connected with the company for many years acting as superintendent.