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Yard For Sale

Lumber yard for sale, East Bay District. Excellent location. $7m0 cash, full price, will close deal. Address Box C-449, California Lumber Merchant.

Salesman Wants Posmion

Wholesale selling connection wanted by salesman' ag'e 30, with ten years' selling experience all Western lumber products. Familiar with both Northern and Southern California retail trade, and will accept position in either territory. Highest references. Address Box C-446, care California Lumber Merchant.

Wanted Work

Lumberman with several years'experience in all branches of the retail lumber business desires position. Can furnish good referetrces and will appreciate an interview' Address Box C-447, California Lumber Merchant.

Lady Stenographer Wants Position

Young lady with several years' experience in the lumber business, wants position with Los Angeles lumber 6rm. Familiar with all office details. Address Box C-444, care California Lumber Merchant.

Experienced Lumberman

Lumberman and shingle expert with years of experience, familiar with all details of the mill, wholesale and retail business, qualified to fill any position in sales department or in office, wants position. Will go anywhere. Address Box C-445, The California Lumber Merchant.


Experienced lumberman would like position managing country yard in Southern California. Familiar with all details of the retail business. Can furnish references. Would appreciate an interview. Address Box C-448, care California Lumber Merchant.

Plans Employment for a Million U. S. Hardwood Exports to Through Federal Forestry \(/ork England Show lncrease

Employment affecting a million people and an income producing and self-liquidating project involving forest lands has been submitted to President Hoover's Timber Conservation Board by George D. Pratt, president of the American Forestry Association and a member of the board.

The plan calls for an investment by the government of $100,000,000 of its emergency unemployment funds in forest fire protection, forest insect and disease control, timber improvement, reforestation and erosion control. This would provide nearly 32,000,000 working days a year for the unemployed and place more than $27,000,000 in immediate circulation through the purchase of materials and supplies, Mr. Pratt told the board.

Improvements At Oakley Yard

Improvements are under way at the Sterling Lumber Company yard at Oakley, Calif., which will include a new modern office before the program is complete. The yard is being rearranged and a forty-foot display rack facing the street has been constructed' Joseph Augusto is manager of the yard.

British imports of Ameri,can hardwoods for the first four months of this year were more than 2 per cent greater than the same period of 1931, according to a report to the Lumber Division of the Department of Commerce. Imports of American hardwood lumber for the four months this year were approximately 59,930,000 board feet, and of hardwood logs about 2,630,W board feet. The consumption of American oak in the London area is greater than a year ago. American softwood exports to the United Kingdom for the four months period of this year were about 74O,000 board feet or 37 per cent less than for the same period in 1931.


The Atlantic Lumber Company of Bell, Calif., has opened a new yard at 1976 East Slauson Ave., Los Angeles, where they will carry a,complete line of lumber and building materials. Dewitt Caspary and Max Gardner are the owners of the Atlanti'c Lumber Company. Mr. Gardner will be in charge of the new yard.

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