4 minute read
Northwest Lumbermen to Test New Edition o[ Book Matches
Legality, o[ Corporation
i C. D. Johnson, of- Pacific Spruce Corporation, ,chairman of the committee of lumbermen appointed to work out details of the proposed regulrtory corporation, announced re-, cently at Portland that the gr:oup will test the legality of their proposed .corporation to curtail production and regulate pricqs. A test case will be taken to the courts without delay, he said.
President Hoover suggested the test case as the best means of determining whether such a regulatory ,corpora' "tion is l6gal, in a message to Governor Julius L. Meier of C)regon.
Farm Building Plan Service
Mr. C. L. Hamilton, Extension Agricultural Engineer, North Dakota Agricultural College, Fargo, North Dakota, las just announced that 95 plans and 56 bulletins dealing with construction of farm buildings and equipment are now available to lumber dealers and farmers within the state. The plans are available at cost of blue-printing and the bulletins may be obtained in single copies without charge. It is planned to in,crease the number of plans to include all phases of farm equipment in the near future.
The state agricultural colleges with tll'e U. S. Department of Agriculture have available about 2,20O larm building plans. Several committees of agricultural engineers are now at work sele.cting from these available plans about {00 of those beit adapted to varying conditions found in different sections of the United-states to be used in a coordinated exchange plan service. ,Probably rvithin another year this complete set of approved plans rvill be. available. in reduced loose-leaf folders for use of_e.veryone in .choosing plans of buildings and equipment desired. This coordination of service will eliminate much of the present dupiica,tion of effort and make,.it, possible for all states to have a complete frlan Service at very small cost.
, Practically;.all farm building plans and literatule available from state and federal institutions, lumber ,companii:s 'and associatioris'are on'file in the Chicago offrce of the Nalional Lumber Manufacturers Association. These plans are lvailable to lumber dealers'at about the cost of blueprintjng. No..eff.gr! hgs been made, to extend the use of this service as funds and personnel have necessarily been limited. However,.many lumbermen are making use of the service to supplement that which they have from state colleges and other ai.chitectural service bureaus. An attempt has been made to have for ready reference all special or unusual plans as well as those which show regular farm construction.
Tom Dant Visits San Francisco
, Tom Dant, Los Angeles, California and Arizona manager of Fir-Tex 'of Southern California, has returned from a Short business trip to San Francisco. Mr. Dant recently completed a two months' trip to Arizona where he called on the "trade in that territory..
Washington, D. C., July 25.-The National Lumber Manufacturers Association is futting out a new edition of a book match advertising novelty. Five hundred lumbermen ordered quantities of the 1931 book matches and the demand for another issue has been heavy. The merchandising department of the Association is rnailing dummy samples to 8,50O progressive lumber dealers, offering the match packets at cost. The packets come in two styles, the difference be.tween the regular and the feature style being that the latter has a picture of a beautiful house printed across the match stem.
The outside front covers of all the packets carry the following exhortation: "Repair, modernize !" which appears above a representation of a si'lver dollar on rvhich are these vvords: "Invest a dollar in your home now and save many later." The dealer's name and address are printed on the back cover. Both covers are made additionally attractive by the use of five colors.
The feature packets are supplied at the rate of $3.95 per thousand without the dealer's imprint, the additional cost for imprinting being 4Oc per thousand in orders of more than 2,500 each. The packets that are u'ithout the house picture on the match stems are printed at $2.65 per thousand without and 4Oc additional for imprinting if the order is for 2,500 or fnore, and 85c if less.
Samples of the matches will be sent free to any lumberman uPon request.
Babylonian Building Code
In its report for June 1932, the California State Departrnent of Industrial Relations published a translation of the King of Babylonia's ancient building code, as found on a brick'in the Babylonian ruins. This shows that there were stern penalties in the days of King Hammurabi, 2m B. C. The translation is as follows :
A. If a builder build a. house for a man and do not make .its construction firm and the house which he has built collapse and cau'se the death of the owner of the house, that builder shall be put to death.
B. If it cause the death of the'son of the owner of the house, they. shall put to death a son of the builder.
C. If it cause the death of a slave oi the owner of the house, he shall give to the owner of the house a slave of equal value.
D. If it destroy property, he shall restore whatever it destroyed, and because he did not make the house which he built firm and it collapsed, he shall rebuild the house which collapsed at his own expense.
' E. If a builder build a house for"a man and do not make its' construction meet the requirements, and a wall fall in, that builder shall strengthen the wall at his own expense.
Move Headquarters To Reseda
The Hull Brothers Supply Co. have moved their headquarters from Hollywood to Reseda, Calif., where they 'have been operating a branch yard.
This stair landing, finished in dark-stained Ameri' can White Oak, enhances the appointments of a private home in Palo Alto. Prof. A. B. Clark, architect.
The ultimate in fine craftsmanship is adequately expressed in the noble propoftions of this staircase and iarved balustrade of small fake Asiatic Oak. From a home in San Marino by Myron Hunt and H. C. Chambers, architects.