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National Ass'n of Wooden Box A. C. Horner Handles First Order

Manufacturers Form Code for Alligator Connectors

National Association of Wooden Box Manufacturers, at its recent meeting in Chicago, formulated a code of fair practices for the wooden box and shook industry and plans to present its tentative code to General Hugh S. Johnson in the near future.

R. H. Morehouse, secretary-treasurer of the Pacific Division of the national association, points out that without waiting for governmental approval of the code, many box factories located on the Pacific Coast have increased wages approximately 10 per cent during the past two weeks'

At the annual meeting of the National Association in Chicago Walter S. Johnson, of San Francisco, was elected president for the ensuing year.

Representing Pacific Coast manufacturers at the conclave were the following: Floyd Hart, vice-president, Timber Products Co. of Medford; Robert L. Ferral of the McCloud River Lumber Co. of M,cCloud; C. H. Daggett of the Ewauna Box Co of Klamath Falls; J. A. McEvoy of Bloedel-Donovan Lumber Mills of Seattle; Lester W. Lewis of Lewis-Bean Co. of Seattle; Shelley P. White of the California Barrel Co. in San Fran'cisco; D. S. Painter of the Fruit Growers' Supply Co. of San Francisco; W' H. Trainer of the California Fruit Exchange and Klamath Lumber & Box Co. in San Francisco.

Opens Los Angeles Office

The McCormick Supply Co. has opened an office at 841 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. J. A. Rudbach is the company's Southern California representative. Headquarters of the company are in San Francisco.

The first actual order for Alligator Conne,ctors was placed with the Timber Engineering Co., of Washington, D. C., a subsidiary of American Forest Products Industries, Inc., through A. C. Horner, of San Francisco, representative of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association.

The order called lor 7ffi, 3-/s inch Alligator Connectors, to be used in the De Turk winery being erected at Santa Rosa for Grace Brothers. for which L. H. Nishkian is consulting engineer.

Considerable interest in the use of modern connectors for wood frame structures is being evidenced on the Pacific Coast, ac'cording to Mr. Horner, an'd it is believed that the use of wood will be materially increased as the advantages and availability of the connectors become better known.

At the present time Alligator Connectors are available upon order through the Timber Engineering Co. from the factory at Elyria, Ohio. Local inquiries for information are being handled by Mr. Horner, who represents both the Timber Engineering Co. and the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, who is again located at 45 Second Street. San Francisco.


Ralph Moore, vice president, Moore Mill & Lumber Co., Bandon, Ore., left San Francisco July 2l after spending a week in the city on business.

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