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How Lumber Looks

With the longshorements strike ended and the men scheduled to return to work on July 31, the coastwise cargo movement of lumber will be resumed. Cooperating with the Presidentts housing program, the Lumber Code Authority announced the new mill prices on lumber going into house construction which became effective on July 2O; the new prices show a reductiotr of 1o per cent.

The price situation now cleared up, coastwise shipping again in operation, and the depletion of stocks in the areas served usually by cargo shipments, the trade feels that considemble business is going to be placed and are very optimistic about the outlook for fall brrtr"T. * *

The new mill price reductions on some of the items going into house construction are:

Douglas firDimension (California)will average about $2.5O ofr. Boards (California)-All l-inch c(xnmon green boards and shiplap, f1.50 off. No 2 common green boards, lxl and lx4, $4.OO off; lx6, 8 and 10, tt.00 ofr, and lxl2, $3.5O ofr. No 3 common, green and dry boards, 13.00 olf. B&Btr., VG and FG, fooring, fl3.00 ofr; "C" VG fooring, 15.00 ofr; "D' VG and FG fooring, 12.00 ofr. Drop Siding, all grades, f3.OO off. B&Btr. (1x4) ceiling, {V.OO off; B&Btt. (/a"q ceiling, $4.5O ofr.; aeC" (s/sx4) ceiling, f,3.50 olf; i'D" ceiling, all grades, $2.00 ofr. Finish, S3.OO to $5.00 off. Lath, 25 cents olf per thousand.

Red cedar shingles, 12 cents off per squaf,e.

Redwood-Commons, all grades, 2xl2 and, smaller, $2.0O oft. LJppers, all grades, 2xl2 and. smaller, 11.00 olf.

Ponderosa pine-Boards, No. lr 2 and 3 common, $2.0O oft; No. 4 and 5 common, $1.00 off. Dimension, No. I common, 5O cents ofr. ;(Jppers, 13.00 olf. Mouldings are 2 points off, and lath is 25 cents "ff pT t!""r_**.

The Vest Coast Lumberments Association reported on July 2l that sixty-three large tidewater mills, mostly all the opera-

S. F. Hardwood Yards P.y Extra

Freight on Lumber Unloaded at Los Angeles

Many' shiprirents of foreign woods consigned to San Francisco hardwood yards have been unloaded at Los Angeles Harbor, and shipped to San Francisco by rail during the longshoremen's strike. Two cars of Aust?alian Ironbark shipped by rail from Los Angeles by the harbor authorities there to White Brothers, San Francisco, had rail freight charges of $20 per M, or about $500 against them on arrival in the Bay city.

tions of this type, in the Douglas fir region are closed due to the seasonal decline in lumber mill activity but attributable mootly to the longshoremen's strike. Most of the mills closed because they ran out of piling space on the docks. A large portion of this lumber on the docks, the greater part of which is sold, must be moved before the mills can operate again.

551 mills reporting to the Association for the week ended July 2l produced 40,204,549 feet of lumber while new business totaled 451851234 feet and shipments were 391286'512 feet. Orders booked by this group of mills for the week were over the preceding week by about 1*1I00O(X)O feet.

The Western Pine Association fot the week ended JuLy 2l gave new busines for 140 mills as 37r824rOOO feet, shipments 381873,000 feet, and nrodlctiln 56,403,000 feet.

The California Redwood Association reported production from 16 mills fo,r the week ended laly U as 5'9691000 feet, shipments 4r940'OO0 feet, and new business 3'455'000 feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week wete 35,063,000 feet'*,F**

487 hardwood mills for the week ended July 14 gave new business as 15,8541000 feet, ot 27 pet cent below productiont and shipments 1714611000 feet, or 15 per cent below production. Production was 2Or570rO0O feet.

Back From Vacation

A. C. Horner, consulting engineer, National Manufacturers Association, San Francisco, has from his vacation, spent at Gearhart, Oregon.

Back From Washington

Lumber returned

C. R. Johnson, president, IJnion Lumber Company, San Francisco, and representative of the Redwood division on the Lumber Code Authority, returned to San Francisco July 25 after an absence of six months spent mostly in Washington attending the various meetings of the Lumber Code Authority.


As a subscriber since the first copy I want you to know how thoroughly I enjoy your journal, particularly the "Vagabond Editorials", for the past year. Thomas C. Fields.

Pacific Northwest Red Cedar Lumber Agency, Seattle. Wash.

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