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a\ Dir,"" the Lurnber Industry started to develop its Code under the N. R. A., it has sousht to secure frorn the Adrninistration a definition of wholesale trade tfiat would .t""-ify and define the type of business operr to the retailer, wholesalero and rnanufaeturer alike, thus indirectly defining the type of business reserved to the retailer. The inability of the Industry and the National Recovery Adrninistration to agree on a definition of wholeeale trade has resulted in so rnuch confusion within the Industry that we wish to rnake our position clear by the publication of the following letter of instructions to all Weyerhaeuser salesrnen.
F. K. Weyerhaeuser, President \T/EYERHAEUSER SALES COMPANY.
All Salesmen,
THAT THE RETAIL LUMBER DEALER is a necessary part of the business life of his cornrnunity' that he ie a eervant of the public as well as of the Industry, that he it entitled to the eame eecurity in the distribution of lurnber that is accorded other retailers in the dietribution of other lines.
THAT THE LUMBER WHOLESALER providee a service to the manufacturer, retailer, and wholesale user that rnakes hirn indiepensable to all, that he is entitled to the sarne seeurity in the distribution of lurnber that is accorded other wholesalers and brokers in the distribution of other lines.
THAT THE WHOLESALE USERS of lurnber, those who have always bought lurnber in large quantities direct frorrr rnanufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers, should contimre to have available the services of all branches of the rndustrv.
Therefore, we will continue to confine our sales:
To retail lurnber dealers.
To wholesalers.
To departments of the United States
Governrnent river and harbor work.
To and for railroads.
Governrnent, and to and for United States
For ehipyarde, underground work in rnines, docks, dams, and bridges.
To industrials for rernanufacturing or ehipping purposes.
We believe that the above declaration of policy is in the public interest, because any decrease in the volurne of lunrber going through the retail lumber yard must inevitably result in an increase in retail distribution costs, to be borne by the emall hone builder who, because of the nature of his needs, rnuat patronize the retail lurnber dealer. Undue invasion by manufacturers and wholesale distributors of the retailers, field of distribution will reeult in narrowing the rnarkets for lurnber producte, In the solicitation of business for our account be governed by the above staterrrent of salee policies.