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ODLOTBX lnteriors ft,etleet
Tne Nl.oaerln Spirit
Advanced American and European Celotex hae been installed in more ideas in decorating interiorg of than 4OO,O(X) buildinge. It can be restaurants, tavernlr, night clubs applied without painting. ftc nat and theatrer call for a product that ural color blendc into decorative will succeacfully combine nodern schemes. line, form and color.
Moreover, original efrectc can be Places for amus€ment and recrea- attained by grooving vcrtically or tion, as well as combination dining horizontally, boveling, paneti.g, and dancing rooms, need dynamic strlnciling of brilliant coloring. backgrounds. They glorify rhythm Ornaments and moldingc are ,up. and melody. plied if deaired.
fnteriore of mercantile houger. Drofessional and administrat' ' a itee your Lelotex ma'' or wnte cau for simpre and ffi:,ff:: j#"f:|"'htig interior f,nieh severe decorationr.
Famed decorators choose Celotex for faithful reproductions of their prize interior designs. Celotex, too, enables ownefs or lesseee to achieve efiects that are unusual without extravagance.
It takee no epecialized knowledge to use this durable and economical product for walls and ceilings.
All Celoter Cane Fibre Prod.ucts are m,anuJactured und,er the Feror Process (patented) ond thereJore efrectir:ely resist domage W Fungus Grouth, Dry Rot and Tennites (Vhite Ants).
919 No. Michigan Ave. Chicago, Illinoie