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Many Mifls Reopen-Northwest Strike Seems

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Nearer Settfement

With the majority of t{re Northwest sawmills operating July 28, with or witftotrt union sa^trction, and with production and ehipments increasing, the Northwest lumber strike which ended its 12th week July 26 may be said to be definitely nearer settlement.

Eight of Portland's nine major sawmills were operating July 25, when four mills start€d up under :nr agrsement with the union, which provided for a 50 cent an hour minimut nage, 4o-hour week of five consecutive days, no .li.crimination against strildng ecrployes, and employe to get their old jobs 6ack.

At Tacoma, operatorE of 17 mills rurudng under National Guard protection reported 2076 men at wo,rk on July 26; longshoremen are still refusing to load lumber from these mills. ft is estimated that 500 men were working in nine small plants under union agreements. Gang violence to persons and property still continued to characterize the Tacoma etrike situation. Many of the victims are not connected widh the lumber induetry.

At Longview 350O men were reported at work in the mills and camps luly 2O, with conditions approaching normal. Longshoremen started loading lumber laly 2O.

At Seattle all plants were operating with one exception July 26. Elliott Bay Mill Company started a third shift July 28. More than 1000 men were worLing in the various plants.

At Everett eight mills reopened July 15 under a similar plan to the Portland agreement Longshoremen statted loading lumber July 22. Veyerhaeuser mill at Everett added a night shift July 23. State ofrcers were withdt*n luly 23.

At Grays Harbor the mills continue to opaete under protection of the National Guard. Disorders and beatings continue to be repo,rted, but in spite of these the number of men employed shows a steady gain. Longshorernen refuse to handle lumber.

Union lumber and plywood workers at Olympia voteA 759 to 49 on luly 25 to return to wot*,. Three ply*""d plants opened immediately and all were operating laly 28. About 120O men were afrected.

.At Villapa Flarborr'VZaoh., union ruorkerc voted 54E to l9g against acceptance bf inoporcd working agr€efireht drawn up by ctate nrediators, uniJn liaders and errrployets. The agree- mont was substantially the same as thooe now in effect at otfier Northwest lumber centers.

DOUGLAS FIR.-The Vest Coast Lumbermen's Associa. tio'n reported for 211 dorryn and opemting mills fo,r the wleel< ended luly 2O production of 59,817256 f,eet" approximately 10r0001000 feet ovet the ptevious week, ot about 2O per cent Twelve Vestern Vashington mills went into production dudng the period.

V. G. Flooring and No. 4 Flooring, ceiling and rustic continue to be scarce with prices firm. Common prices arc a litde npaker due to larger supply.

V/ESTERN PINE.--4. Selects and lst and 2nd Clear Ponderoaa Pine prices :rre up $1.00 per M. There is a genetil advance in practically all gradcs of Sugar Pine of from 50c to f3.00 per M.

New business totaling 501716,000 f,eet, 19 lr€r cent greatet t{ran the previous week, was reported by the Western Pine Association for the week ended laly 13.

REDWOOD.-The mills are ta&ing advantage of t{re summer'lull to improve their broken stocks. Prices are fimr.

SHINGLES.-Union shingle workers in various Northwest centers have approved an agreement that scts up an arbitra. tion board to handle future disputes. The majority of the shingle mills are gtilt closed, and production of Red Cedar chingles is therefore limited.

Redwood shingle production has been increased, but owing to shortage of Red Cdar shingles is only enough to supply the California demand.

Attractive Hardware Display

_ Walt-er Spicer of the Bay District Lumber Co., Newport Beach, has a novel arrangement for handling hardware. This department occupies one section of the office which contains a wall case ,consistiag of individual drawers with a sample of each item and the price on the face of the drawer. This makes an attractive. display, and by having the prices shown, Walter says, it helps to increase his haidwarelales.

He recently installed a sand, gravel and rock bunker at. his .plant and is now ready to make deliveries '.ready mixed."

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