3 minute read
"Ask'em to Buy"
I have frequently rmitten editoriab ca',ling the attention of lumbermen to methodr ueed by the auto folkr for developing bruinera. Thir ir done on tte theory that the wisest man ir he who can profit by tte experiencer f otherr. Since the auto indutry has rhown world-beating abilrty at burineaa developm rnl-given a thousand timer the thought to that department of ttreir burinesr that the lu nber industry has-they are good folks to watch, and often to patterl after.
Right now throughout much of the ceuntry, the Automotive Equipment people have a ver;r clever campaign on, that giver food for ttought to relling folkr. They call it the "Ark'€m to Buy" campaign. The ider is that when they lerve a motoriet at an equipment rtetion, they look hir equipment over with keen eye to ree what he might tue, and tten take clever advantage of the opportunity to ofrer it to him.
A man drivel up for ga& or rome othdr rupply. The "Ark 'em to Buy" ralerman notee that two of hir tira are under-inf,ated; cellr attention to it; makee him a talk on the dangcr of rmdcr-inf,etion from rim crrttlng, etc.; recult-selb him a Tire Crauge to check hir air pr€rurc.
A lady drivcl up in e drizzling rain, for rometting, and taker advantage of the rtop to gct out r cloth end wipc her wind-rhield. Perfect opportrnity. Thcre'r e wind-rhield wiper on that wind-rhicld whcn rhc drivcs ofr.
Think of thc auto accesoricl thcy rcll today, and conrklcr the endlcr opportrmity of ruch cdeative rc[ing ar thir.
Thc auto equipment folkr have gonc mucb farther than thir. They fond tftey were snjls6slling their liner. (The lunbcr indu:try alweyr raln "over-conrrmptiont' when it findr itrclf rhort of orden The auto folkr rimply ray "under-relling." Thcre IS a difference.) Nerq ttrrngr to rnakc rnotor car3 more attractive end enjoyablc w€re appcuing evcry day, end they had to bc rcld. Whcrc rtan the bert place to begin gelling th;? Ai lhe placc of auto ralc, of coune. When a man ir buving a new car, it'r the earieet thing in the wodd to drece up that car with thin$ that he jurt harn't the heart to take ofi, once he reer them equipped. Don't YOU know that feeling?
So they made tteir campaign throughout the nation Made it worth while for the people who bell new car!, to sell additional equipment-6t 6 generour proiL Recult: walk into any good motor cer raleroom todan and you will find from one to five carc "&€s&d up" wi_tlr everything in the line of attractive "it"as on them that you ever heard of, and many that you never heard of.
See if ttrir icn't so. You go in to look at a nice little touring cer for the folkr that deliverr for $1,2(X). THAT ie what you had in mind to buy. THAT ia what you had intended to pay. But the ralesman getr .you over, just "for a minute" to take a peek at one "fixed up e little.". There'r a apecial top on it that corts jurt a hrmdred' extra. There are burnpers front and reer. An extra tire, with attractive tire cover (advertiring the make of the car). There's a motometer-with lo:kextra. There'sawindchield-wiper,a.dome light' rubber covers for t'he pdalr, a "rtop" aignal on the brake, t*o clever little parking lights set on eit"her side of the car jurt back of the hood, a set of snubbers all arormd to make the car ride ea8y, a special lubricating system that preeewes the car and prevents squeaks, etc., etc., etc., etc.
And it's amazing how many people trke t'lre car right off'the fioor equipped with ALL the.se thinge. When it comea to eliminating them, they just can't do without them. Appl some of those thoughts to your building selling. You can do the same things with homes, old and new. But you have got to have something to VISUALIZE what y(xr mean. Word's won't do it. You muct be able to SHOW what you have to sell.
An "Ark-'em-to-Buy" campaign for the lumber industry would bring grand results.
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