1 minute read
He Profits lf,ost-
Who olaces ouality above speed in the drying of Forest P;;dJ;-- Pilifit ii that, whi;h is real and permanent'
How well can lumber be dried and_not how quickly is the il;d ';il ;;;A;ble poli.y. Timber costs too much'to ;;ilh"';;;hry lfth" finished product for a few hours less drying time.
Drastic drying methods *il! hasten the, drying -pglqd ffi? ;'4s" h;il; J.p"nJing upo.n lhe kind and-thick;; "i ;[" i;-il;.-' Ctn'.*u[in" dyi.ne schedules'. with
J temperature, humidi'y und. circulation ;iii"J";;;; il ;;stt' and ibre structure of the wood' ;;;;;il;-i;;;d*in! und checking .which produces a better product and demands a better pnce'
'Out exPerience *nd facilities are alwaYs at Yout seroice
F. L. Hillyer, of Sanl Antonio, Texas, one of the best known and most highly respected lumbermen of the Lone Star- State is a gueit oi ttre Virginia l{otel, Long Bea,ch, California, and will remain through the summer.