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Los Angeles FIoo-Hoo Year Ends With Bang
Bringing to a close the most successful year that,,has been expeiienced by the Los Angeles District Hoo-Hoo, the picnic and Concatbnation held in the La Crescenta Valley at Mr. Perry Whitings ranch, last Saturday, has been declared the best of the many affairs held by this boosting southern bunch. Under the leadership and guidance of Vicegerant Snark Curtis Williams, assisted by his chosen committeemen and members of the Nine, Ho+Hoo in Los Angeles has made great strides since Mr. Williams electiont at the Arch Beach Concatenation in 1922.
Last Saturday, over a hundred of the old Cats, with twenty Kittens and several reinstatementf, gathered shortly after noon to participate in the var'ious entertainment features that had been arranged by the stunt com,mittee, headed, by Mr. F. M. Connelly. The feature of the afternoon. was. without a doubt, the baseball battle, between a band picked nine of retailers, captained by J. C. Owens, and a more wiselv selected bunch of wholesale men, lead to victory by one -F. M. (Cappy) Slade. The result of this contest waq a d,istinct surprise to the majority o{ the spectators. Slades crew literally played all around the gang being coached and bribed by Owens, resulting in a score at the end of seven innings of 17 to 13, the wholesalers ahead. Many spectacular.plays marked this feature o'f the afternoon: the nines were com'posed of the following players: 'Watson, Ranney, Hayward, Fifield, McDonald, Albro, Cook, Kelty, and Hubbard making up the defeated retail team, and: Hoffman, Donovan, Bowles, Postlethwaite, Stanton, Slade, Landram, Golding, McAlpine, and Woolsey, being the men bringing the wholesalers to victory. It will be noted that the victor:ious team was composeil of ten members, this was made necessary by right fietder Woolsey, who obtained leave of absence several times durin8 the contest. his place being filled by a substitute during his absence. F. M. Connelly and Phil B. Hart, made themselves very unpopular, as is the custom of umpires.
The supper serve.d out under the, trees at six o'clock was a delight to the hungry horde. Mr. Berne S. Barker, chairman of the entertainment committee provided the most unique surprise that has ever been enjoyed by this crowd, in the form of a Spanish program offered by a troupe of real Spanish singers and dancers, that have been creating a sensation at the Los Angeles theatres.
Snark Williams called the concat to order at seven o'clock, this bringing to a close all of the games and fun stUnts.
The ceremony was very fittingly begun with a very fine talk by Parson Simpkin, who made an inspir'rng speech
D. Robe*son, Prec. i'
We wish to announce of on the work of Hoo-Hoo, and closed with a tribute to Snark Williams that brought the boys to their feet. The Parson lauded the results accomplished by Mr. Williams, and the ensuing applause left no doubt of the love that if felt for this gentleman. Mr. Williams responded, thanking that Parson and the fest of the mem'bers ; and gave the bulk of the credit for his success to his good judgrnent in selecting helpers that had backed him up and carried the order through the su,ccessful year.
Don't be afraid to Men never $et warts brain! on the
Mr. Williams labored long and hard in decorating thg concatenation room, and it was beautiful sight to' the members' All of the various stations were built of logs and trees, making a rustic effect that was quite a novelty.
Twenty kittens had their eyes opened. The initiation committee, headed by Mr. Fred S. Golding, did them up brown. The ritual was handled in the usual solemn and effective way by the officiating Nine, and it wrs indeed a splendid clais of initiates that were taken in' The following is a list of the new members:
C. Montgomery,
L. H. Regal.
J. B. Hall.
L. M, F-ortune.
G. E. Meisse.
S. E. Owens.
A. B. McAbine.
E. lfrr. Shafiord.
F. W. Bishop.
S. L. Stofle.
P. B. Gilbert.
R. D. Atkinson.
E. M. Gailbraith.
G. R. Landreth.
C. A. Hatten.
Clinton H. Crane.
K. T. Cole.
C. A. Snow.
L. M. Meyer
Mr. Williams has appointed a nominating committee, to report at the next luncheon, nomindting two or more candi'dates for the position of Vicegerant Snark for the coming year.
Eatablis'red f888 to the retail trade of California that we are in position to quote on parcels
Geo. R. Hackett, V. P. & G. M.