1 minute read
Buitding Operations ln Northern California Show Continued Activity
'D-u1ing_ the:nonth of July, 733 building permits were issued in San Francisco, calling for an eipenditure of $3,- 2?7,115.N. In July 1922, only 595 perniits were issued, the outlay-amounting to 93,024,036.00. July building increased $203,079.00 over the correspondiirg -period a -year ago.
Building permits in San Francisco for the first seven months in 1923 amounted to $27,25V,3O7.W, an increase of $876,564.00 over the like period of, 1922, when the improve- ment aggregated $26,3&,7 43.n.
The building permits for Alameda during the month of July totaled $285,463.00, w;hich is the mont-hly record and has never been, equaled in the history of the city. The previous monthly record was $217,74O.5O.
_ During the past ninety days, the permits for South San Francisco exceed $208dn.00
- Th" building permit figures available for the month of July as we go to press are as follows:
GHIS. il!. RoSE & G0.
We can rhip you straight or mixed care of the materials licted here. You can put miny necessities in a single car. We manufacture aII this gtock ourselves. You know tfie quality of Arkansas hardwoods. Pricec or information gladly furnirhed.