2 minute read
T\IO NEED to have any waste sy lsss-1trs r \ M. A. C. Tugger Hoist will attend to the yarding of your poles and piling more satisfactorily and economically than ii can be done by steam or with the use of horses. This light machine is easily moved into difficult places. Internal combustion r€moves all fear of fire hazard.
Burns kerosene, requires no firing up, and one man handles it efiectively.
'Write us for a catalog and price on the M. A. C. Tugger Hoist
Let it pay for itself in the economies it allows.
Skagit Steel & lron Works
Scdro-Woolley, Werh.
M. A. C. Tugger Hoist uith Fordson Tractor rFor many years Mr. Williamson was actively in the lumber manufacturing business in Texas, and has also been a retailer and wholesaler of much experience. Retired from. the active lumber game, yet retaining his lumber interests, his active mind got busy years ago with the creation of a plan book business in the Southwestern territory. This proved so successful and at oncs so interesting to him', that he conti,nued in the business. and todav is the U,igg.$ distributor of retail lumger plad books iir the world, Not only has he issued a series bf twenty-five original plan bookj for lu,mber dealers, but he likeufise supplies the plans for some of the biggest of lumber associations, and lumber concerns. The book of plans issued by The Southern Ptne Association called ,,Modern Ffomes', ra'as created by Mr. Williamson. More than 300,000 of these books have been distributed to lumber dealers, and more than 30,000 homes have been built from that book. He likewise sup.plies The Long-Bell Lumber Company, Wm. Cameron & Company,'many other line yard'concer:ns, and some of the big millwork houses of ttre country with their plan service, so that his homes are being built in most of the states of the union.
A lumber visitor of more than passing importance in California at the present time, is R. M. ,,Bob', W,illiam,son, of Dallas, Texas, who, with his wife and three children are sojourning at the Virginia Hotel at I-ong Beach.
A -*'1,t of large m:eans, still Mr. Williamsorr gives his "genius" to helping the lum'ber industry create i market for his p'roduct, ind spends all his time al it. For years hi [a9_ _been .closely colloborating with the publisfrei of The Californ'ia Lumber Merchant in spreading the gospel of merchandising, and has been an editorial and cartoon contributor to The Gulf Coast Lumberman for years.
No better or more practical friend of the- lumber indus- try lives than "Bob" William.son, and in the South an,d Middle west he has been so recogn,ized by the entire industry.
Orr the day after the death of Pbesident Hardrng, Henrv R. Isherwood, National Secretary of the Hoo Hoo, maile-cl !o Mirs. Harding a check for $100.00, covering the death benefit policy issued'by the order to all members.
President Harding was initiated into the Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo, at Marion, Ohio, June 30, 1905. His Hoo-Hoo number was, 14945. At the time he was initiated he was a stock holder in the Marion Lumber Com,oanv and the Prendergast Lumber Co., both of Marion, ar'*.[l as publisher of the local newspaper.
The last Concatenation'which he attended was held at Marion, Ohio, October 26, 1920, which was decl,icated as the "Warren G. Harding Concatenation." The following is an excerpt from his address delivered on this particulai occasion:
"The greatest privilege among men ,is association, one with the other, in bonds of fellowship. The fact that I have been vested with high honors at the hands of the people has not diminished my interest nor lessened my pride in this fraternal association with you."
. A message of condolenc-e was conveyed tb Mrs. Harding immeditely upon notice of death.