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St. Louis Lurnber Dealers Fined and Ousted
'fhe nrost severe decision ever rendered against retail lumber dealers was the fecent decision of the Suprems Court of Missouri, issued on August first. It found the St. Louis Lumber Trade Exchange, composed of iumber dealers of St. Louis City and County, guilty of conspiracy to restrain trade, limit and restrict competition, and fix prices. The Exchange is 'dissolved by the decision, the members are all fined'from $2,500 to $10,000 each, and they are all "unconditionally oust.ed" from tl,e State of X4issouri, and can no longer do business in" that commonwealth. Somre, of the best known lumbermen in the country are on the list. including Julius Seidel, former Snark of Hoo-Hoo.
The following is a list of the firms fined and ousted, anC the amount's of their fines:
Julius Seidel Lumber Co. Fined $IO,OOO. St. Louis I-um'ber Co, Firted $10.000.
Wiles-Chipman Lumber So. Fined $10,000.
Boecker Lumber Co. Fined $10.000.
Philip Gruner & Sons Lumber Co. Fined $7,500.
O'Neil Lumber Co. Fined $5,000.
Shellabarger Lumber Co. Fined $5,000.
Prendergast Lurn,ber Co. Fined $5,0O0.
Ganahl Lumber Co. Fined $5,000.
Holekamp Lumber Co. ' Fined $3,500.
Mound City Lumber Co. Fined $3,500.
S. J. Gavin Lumber Co. Fined $3.500
Goodfellow Lumber Co. Fined $3,000.
Clayton Lumber Co., St. Louis County. Fined $2,5O0.
Cherokee Lumber Co. Fined $2,500.
Vandeventer Lumber Co. Fined $2,500.
H. E. Rapp Lumber Co. Fined $2,500.
Louis Essig I-umber Co. Fined $2,5,0O.
Wilson Land & Lurnher Co. Fined $2,500.
Tell That Easterner
who is starting a'.factory in your neighborhood that he will step ofr on the wrong foot unless he knows the elernental facts about REDWOOD.
REDWOOD is supreme for flumes,pipes,vats, tanks, silos and in positions requiring resistance to wet, fungi and chemicals. It also resists dryness. It neverwarps nor shrinks when exposed to extreme climate conditions.
Fineness of grain, softness combined with firrnness and anti-splitting and anti-chipping qualities, cause REDWOOD to be used exclusively for pattern and model making,in metal-casting shops.
For this reason it is the handiest wood for general uses in a factory.

There is nothing lil<e it for the amateur carpenter.
Those who use it, are glad to tell the world----
Suggested Adoertising Copy for Lumber Merchants

Straight to leads you to the most complete, practical and largect variety of modern home building ideas ever assembled. Here you can study at your leisure, photographic plans of exteriors, foor plans, interiors, etc., and choose detailed plans that will embody every fcature you are desirous of including in the new home.
Such a service is priceless; yet it is free for you to consult and take advantage of at your convenience.
Our dependable materials are selected with great care, giving you the most durable and perrnanent construction with texture and uniformity for ideal finish. The thousands of satisfied home owners whose homes were constructed with materials furnished by us, is best recommendation as to why you too should secure your materials from us.