1 minute read
from nature's buried treasure s -rt re jeutels of cohr for your roof
Lfidden for ages under moun- I I tains of earth and rock lay nature's jewels of color in slateuntil a quarry blastrevealed them !
Now, snatched up by gigantic steel carriers, they are speedily crushed into flakes, and later enameled upon a wholly new slatesurfaced shingle. The resulting color is a rareweathered brown, as beautiful as the frosty tan of autumn fields.
The unique color effects of the weathered brown have delighted architects and home owners, especially when it is blended super- with other Richard- Giant son shingles of jade green,tile red, or black pg3llThus,foryouit ' will be an increasing sourceofnewbusiness.
A super-shingle'Weathered brown is usedexclusivelyonthe
Richardson Super- Giant Shingle -a unique roofing product which in addition to its beauty, offers you an unusual degree of roofing serviceability. For example, its greater size (10"x 1 4') saves 35/s in cost of laying. Itsffi%greater thickness makes it last much longer, and casts a deepershadow line on the roof. And its 100% greater stiffness keeps it rigid in all kinds of weather and makes the whole roof twice as firm.
Moreover, its inner materials, Stan.t6d Shinglc felt and asphalt, give conclusiveevidenceof its endurance. Richardson felt, as you know, has for the last fiftyyearsbeen recognized as the best. And the asphalt which goes into it is of the highest grade raw
Tbsutur-ciad shinsrc-&% matef ials fefined thhfrit, IooVo ffic nisi.t, aiJ. eXClUSiVely bV the 35Vo ,rarc ccmical in oi ol ;- - - -.' - -, tains l(lCnafqsOn prOCeSS.