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Proae the facts
A super-shingle indeed, when you weigh its points one by one ! Firstabsolutely exclusive color effects. Secondunusual dimensions which give added life to the roof at { less in cost of laying. And finally-exceptionally high test standards in its materials.
These definite talking pointsespecially the exclusive color effects-will bring you new customers. And, of course, Richardson Super-Giants are equally good fornew or "over the old roof " jobs.
Send for our beautiful new color chart, together: with samples of Richardson Super-Giant Shingles inweatlured brown and other colors. Foreveryroofing use there is a Richardson product-from Lok-Top Asphalt Shingles to Rubbertex Roll Roofing with Pyramid Kaps. Just use the coupon below.
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I)cpt 45E,I-ockland, Ohb
Pleae *nd mc sanpl€sof Richardrca SrperGiant Shinrleg. yqr new color chart. aDd Iurthcr fact alirout Riclardm R@6n9.